By Whatever Jones on
conservative censorship, Facebook, Good Morning America, Google Bias, Google censoring conservatives, Google search bias, Google throttling conservative websites, Google+, Twitter
Elections, Politics

As Donald Trump’s presidency continues to spiral out of control, the mad rush to blame everyone for the administration’s failures is underway. One of the arguments used to deflect from the ongoing Russia investigation, the explosive New York Times anonymous op-ed, as well as the recently released book by Bob Woodward, “Fear,” is that conservative voices […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alex Jones, Alex Jones Sandy Hook Hoax, Apple iTunes battles hate speech, bullying, Conspiracy Theories, Facebook, Facebook Strikes back against Hate Speech, hate speech, InfoWars, InfoWars shut down by social media giants, iTunes, Online Bullying, Online Hate Speech, Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories, Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, Sandy Hook families, Spotify, Spotify combats hate speech
Bullying, Extremists, Law & Order, Right Wing Fanatics, Weird News

His empire collapsing with the prospect of losing a lawsuit, Alex Jones’ legal team appears willing to go to despicable lengths to deny his accusers their day in court. As an independent journalist, I have covered a variety of topics and individuals over the years, but I have never felt my stomach turned by a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alex Jones, Apple iTunes battles hate speech, Facebook, Facebook Strikes back against Hate Speech, hate speech, InfoWars shut down by social media giants, iTunes, Online Bullying, Online Hate Speech, Spotify, Spotify combats hate speech
Activism, Bullying, Extremists, Facebook, Fake News, Human Interest, Online Safety, Social Justice, Social Media

Alex Jones has not been having the best of months, but things just got a lot worse as first Spotify and then Apple and now Facebook put their collective feet down and terminate this kind of conspiracy. The news exploded on Monday, as three prominent social media companies announced they were taking action to eradicate […]
By Samuel Warde on
Appealing Facebook Decisions, Facebook, Facebook Policies, Fighting Facebook Trolls, Reporting Facebook Posts

Facebook unveiled a new program that will help users report inappropriate posts and afford them the opportunity to appeal if Facebook decides not to remove a flagged item. Facebook updated their community guidelines on Tuesday and launched an appeals option. In the past users could report a piece of content for review, but there was […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
birth control, Facebook, reproductive rights, Senator Chris McDaniel, women’s march
Republicans, Sexism, Women's Issues

Republican senator wants unhappy liberal women to tell him why they marched on Washington. Let’s give him our answer, by the thousands. Maybe you have heard of Sen. Chris McDaniel (R-MS). Maybe you haven’t. Doesn’t matter. If you protested in the women’s march on Saturday, January 21, 2017, McDaniel wants to hear from you. He wants to […]