By Samuel Warde on
Far Right Pundits Control Republicans party, Fox News, Fox news influences Republican Party, GOP Controlled by Right Wing Media, NYT - Right-Wing media controls Republican party, Republicans, The New York Times
Fox News, Main Stream Media, Media, Politics, Republicans, Right-Wing Media

The New York Times published a blistering report on Monday discussing the role of conservative media – “far-right” sites – and talk radio hosts in influencing the Republican Party, focusing particularly on how they are portraying Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as a traitor to conservatism in an effort to block the push by many Republicans […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Donald Trump, Fox News, O'Reilly Factor
Election 2016, Fox News, Republicans

The GOP 2016 frontrunner took to Twitter and complained that the The O’Reilly Factor wasn’t kind to him because they didn’t post his “great polls” .@oreillyfactor was very negative to me in refusing to to post the great polls that came out today including NBC. @FoxNews not good for me! — Donald J. Trump […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bernie Sanders, Election 2016, Fox News, Videos
Bernie Sanders, Election 2016, Fox News, Videos

You might recall that at the National Conference for Media Reform 2008 Bill O’Reilly producer Porter Barry ambushed PBS’ Bill Moyers to pepper him with questions regarding his political affiliations and his “refusal” to appear on O’Reily’s show. However, as it turned out Moyers ended up making Barry look like the fool he […]
By Samuel Warde on
#DiplomacyNotWar, #NoWarWithIran, Chris Wallace, Dick Cheney, Fox News, Videos, War
Foreign Policy, Fox News, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Smackdowns, Videos, War

Dick Cheney has been pounding the conservative media circuit lately promoting his latest book effort at revisionist history, “Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America,” co-authored by his daughter Liz Cheney. The Cheneys have also been promoting war in the Middle East, claiming President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is a mistake – essentially […]
By Samuel Warde on
#NoWarWithIran, Dick Cheney, Fox News, Iran deal, Iran Nuclear Agreement, Megyn Kelly, Videos
Foreign Policy, Fox News, Republican Logic, Smackdowns, Videos, War

Pro-war Republican Dick Cheney has been hitting the conservative news circuit the last couple of weeks promoting his new book and squawking about how President Obama‘s nuclear deal with Iran will end civilization as we know it. However, he has been finding out the last couple of years that networks such as Fox News, once […]