By Samuel Warde on
House Republicans, Mueller investigation, Obstruction of Justice, Republican obstruction, Republican-Led Witch Hunt, Steve Schmidt, Twitter Wars
Activism, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Russia Investigation, Scandals, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Trump

Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt didn’t hold anything back when he unleashed the hounds of hell on House Republicans. House Republicans managed to outdo themselves yesterday as they questioned interrogated insulted and smeared FBI agent Peter Strzok. As Salon reported: The all-day House Oversight and Judiciary Committee grilling of Peter Strzok, the counter-intelligence FBI agent who had been […]
By Samuel Warde on
Congressional Bias, House Republicans, Obstruction of Justice, Republican Witch Hunters, Republicans, Seth Abramson, Steve Schmidt, witch hunt, Witchhunt
Republican Logic, Republicans, Seth Abramson, Smackdowns

Seth Abramson and Steve Schmidt took to their Twitter accounts to publicly state what many have been thinking about Trump but were unwilling to publicly express. Trump tweets almost daily about witch hunts – and that witch hunt is alive an well but resides in the Republican wing of the House of Representatives and not […]
By Samuel Warde on
Criminal Conspiracy, House Republicans, Robert Mueller, Russia Collusion, Russia sanctions, Russian Conspiracy, Russian Election Tampering, Seth Abramson
Law & Order, Republican Logic, Republicans, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal

Republicans keep claiming that there is no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians, but this detailed list by a noted former criminal prosecutor tells a different tale. House Republicans effectively terminated their investigation into Russian tampering in the 2016 election, claiming they have uncovered no evidence of any collusion by members of the Trump campaign […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
American Health Care Act, health, House Republicans, Republicans, Trump
Healthcare, Republicans

Trump is threatening Republicans who don’t practice blind allegiance. Trump had a message for House Republicans this morning as they gear up for a final vote on the American Health Care Act. He warned that anyone who votes against the bill might lose their seat in 2018. According to Politico, when Trump entered the room, he was […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
governement shutdown, House Republicans, Planned Parenthood
Reproductive Rights, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans

Twenty-eight House Republican legislators – all men – are pledging to defund Planned Parenthood, including shutting down the federal government as a form of protest. A letter circulated by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), contains signatures from House Republicans who’ve pledged to vote against any bill that funds the government if it also funds Planned Parenthood. To avoid a […]