By Samuel Warde on
Ann Coulter, Henry Rollins, Henry Rollins on YouTube, Henry Rollins takes on Ann Coulter, Humor, Open Letters
Celebrity, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

“I want you to be my window-washing, … obsequious, submissive concubine-domestic. But mostly, Ann, you will just shut the f–k up.” ~ Henry Rollins Conservative pundit and author Ann Coulter continues to work to keep her name in the news, pushing her anti-immigrant rhetoric to anyone who she thinks might listen. Most recently, she urged […]
By Samuel Warde on
Epic Trolling, Greatest Insults, Greatest Put Downs, Humor, Mockery, Small Hands
Humor, Smackdowns

Mockery rules the day as these three, heavy-hitting news organizations take on Trump with three stinging articles. Several websites have hilariously pondered the question of Trump’s small hands beginning in 1988. Mother Jones published an article in February 2016 discussing the background of the debate about Trump’s fingers and what it might mean for his plans to […]
By Samuel Warde on
George Carlin, George Carlin Seven Words, Humor, Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television, The Courts, Videos
Entertainment, Humor, The Courts, Videos

George Carlin’s seven words sketch takes on new meaning in light of the recent news that the Trump administration has banned the use of 7-words by the Centers for Disease Control. As CNN reported, Saturday 16 December 2017: Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the very agency tasked with saving and protecting […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Kristol, Humor, Online Skirmishes, Twitter trolls
Smackdowns, Social Media

Even conservatives are trolling Trump over his latest Twitter outburst of buffoonery. Trump took to Twitter Friday night, claiming that he had turned down the prestigious honor of being named Time Magazine’s “Man (Person) of the Year.” Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” […]
By Samuel Warde on
Common Sense Firearms regulations, George Carlin, Gun Regulation, Humor, NRA, Videos, Wayne LaPierre
Flashback Friday, Gun Control, Humor, Videos

George Carlin mocks the NRA, paying special attention to Wayne LaPierre in this hilarious classic clip from his 2001 HBO Special – Complaints & Grievances. Guns and common-sense firearm regulations are part of the national debate again in the wake of this week’s tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas. As CNN reported today, “Fifty-nine people […]