By Samuel Warde on
Bill Moyers, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton chooses Wall Street over Families women and children, Interviews, Senator Hillary Clinton caves to Wall Street Pressure, Videos
Hillary Clinton, Interviews, Videos, Wall Street

SUMMARY: The video, below, comes from a 2004 Bill Moyers interview with then Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren. The two were discussing efforts by Wall Street lenders to pressure lawmakers into passing stringent laws making it more difficult for individuals to file bankruptcy. In the course of the interview, Warren told a story contrasting how First […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Donald Trump explains what it would take to cause him to leave the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump I will leave the presidential race of poll numbers drop, Election 2016, I'll Get Out of the Race, If My Polls Fall, Interviews, Videos
Election 2016, Interviews, Videos

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump was interviewed – yet again – by NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday’s edition of “Meet the Press.” During the course of the interview, Todd referenced a recent remark Trump made during a recent CNBC interview with Chief White House Correspondent John Harwood. Harwood asked Trump during the October 1st interview: […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Elizabeth Warren on Planned Parenthood, Elizabeth Warren on Republicans, Interviews, reproductive rights, Reproductive Services, State of the Union, Videos, Women's issues
Congressional Hearings, Interviews, Reproductive Rights, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos, Women's Issues

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) spoke with CNN’s Jake Tupper on Sunday’s “State of the Union” about the GOP-led effort to defund Planned Parenthood warning that Republicans are “going to have a real fight on their hands” if they want to continue waging war on women’s access to healthcare. Tupper began the discussion, saying to Warren: […]
By Samuel Warde on
Interviews, Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter Oprah Interview, Jimmy Carter tells Oprah he was the only white kid in town as a kid, Jimmy Carter was the only white child in the neighborhood, Oprah Winfredy, Videos
Human Interest, Interviews, Racial Issues, Videos

Former Democratic President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter sat down with Oprah Winfrey for this weekend’s “SuperSoul Sunday” interview, telling her that growing up as the only white child in a predominantly black community had a profoundly positive impact on his life. Born James Earl Carter, Jr. on October 1, 1924, he grew […]
By Samuel Warde on
Interviews, John Boehner, John Boehner calls out the tea party, John Boehner confirms ted cruz slam, john boehner no shut down, John Boehners slams tea party ted cruz, politics, Republicans, Ted Cruz, Videos
Interviews, Politics, Republicans, The Tea Party, Videos

Outgoing Speaker of the House John Boehner lashed out at the House’s “most conservative members” during a Sunday interview on ABC’s “Face the Nation.” CBS host John Dickerson began the interview by asking Boehner about the threatened government shutdown: “Four days, the government runs out of money. Is there going to be a shutdown?” Boehner […]