
Michael Cohen Decimated On Twitter

Michael Cohen Decimated On Twitter

Michael Cohen is introduced to karmic justice with one perfectly worded tweet. NBC News is reporting that Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, has reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors, adding that: “The deal could have significant implications for Trump, since any witness cooperation deal could well extend to the Mueller investigation.” According to NBC: […]

The Joke Is On Trump As Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok Gets The Last Laugh

The Joke Is On Trump As Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok Gets The Last Laugh

Peter Strzok managed to get the last laugh after Trump took to Twitter to gloat about his recent firing from the FBI.  Peter Strzok took to his Twitter account on Tuesday to thank his many supporters in the wake of overwhelming success of a GoFundMe page set up in his name. “Stunned and humbled by […]

Karma Kicks A Homophobic Republican In The Ass

Karma Kicks A Homophobic Republican In The Ass

You are gonna love the way sweet karma is kicking this homophobic Republican right square in the butt.  One of the country’s most conservative lawmakers was ousted from office by the first transgender person ever elected to office in a state legislature, as reported by ABC News. “In a historic bid, Democrat Danica Roem beat […]