By Samuel Warde on
Canada Apologizes to LGBT Community, LGBT Community, LGBTQ2
Activism, LGBT Issues, Social Justice, World News

Canada’s Prime Minister openly wept while giving a heartfelt apology to Canada’s LGBTQ2 community for prior persecution. The Toronto Star reports that: “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has formally apologized for the ‘tragic act of discrimination’ that saw hundreds of civil servants the target of a decades-long ‘witch hunt’ because of their sexual orientation.” Speaking in […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
coming out, coming out of the closet, gay, gay rights., God Loves Gays, God Loves Us All, homosexuals, LGBT, LGBT Community, LGBT interests, LGBT Issues, tolerance
Discrimination, gay rights, Human Interest, LGBT Issues

My father asked me if I was gay. I said, “Does it really matter? My good friend Steve is gay. We’ve known each other since 1990, and I consider him to be part of my family. He is one of the sweetest, funniest, smartest, and warmest friends I have. He always has a shoulder for […]
By Guest Blogger on
bathroom laws, Discrimination, LGBT Community, transgender
Law & Order, LGBT Issues
By Peter Billings Major headline news over the past several months has put a spotlight on the almost nonexistent protections for the approximately 700,000 transgender people currently living in the United States. Recent milestone developments in the federal government’s policy on gender issues, however, has given hope to the transgender community and their advocates that […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Gay Marriage, LGBT Community, marriage equality, Phyllis Schlafly
Religious Intolerance, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies

Gender traitor and destroyer of equality, Phyllis Schlafly, is picking on the gays now. It wasn’t enough for her to spread lies about what constitutional gender equality would mean for the country decades ago, now she’s complaining that the gay agenda will wipe out Christianity. EyeROLL. In an interview with conservative radio host Chuck Wilder, […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Human Rights, Indiana, LGBT Community, Tom Cotton
Religious Intolerance, Republican Logic, Right Wing Hatred, Right-Wing Myths

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) recently appeared on CNN and urged critics of Indiana’s religious “freedom” law to get a “perspective” and then he did what every Republican does to deflect the issue – he suggested that we compare the United States to Iran and then we’ll all see just how great we have it in […]