By Samuel Warde on
free press, Freedom of the Press, Media Manipulation, News Agencies Join Forces, Presidents war on the media, Press Suppression, Propaganda, the fourth pillar of government, War on the Media
Abuse of Power, Activism, Free Press, Main Stream Media, Media

The war between Trump and the news media just got real, with 70+ news organizations banding together to fight back against his unwarranted attacks. To say Trump’s relationship with the media is contentious would be the understatement of the year – if not the decade. The Washington Post reported on Sunday that: Trump labeled the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Government Run Media, Government-led propaganda, Media, Propaganda, Sputnik, State Run Media, State Sponsored Media, state sponsored propaganda
Activism, Humor, Propaganda, State Sponsored Media, Weird News

It appears that Trump has angered his master – Russian President Vladimir Putin – with this kind of mockery happening on official state-run Russian media. Russian news agency, Sputnik, has been having fun at the expense of Trump. For those unfamiliar with the news agency, Sputnik, formerly known as “The Voice of Russia,” is an […]
By Samuel Warde on
North Korea, President Gets Played By North Korea, Propaganda
Foreign Policy

Retired Rear Adm. John Kirby, a military and diplomatic analyst for CNN, is speaking out after North Korean state television began airing a video of Trump saluting a North Korean general. CNN reported on Thursday that: “Newly released video footage from North Korean state media shows President Donald Trump returning a salute to a North […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Rule of Law, Autocratic Leadership, Autocratic Rule, Functioning Democracies, Nefarious Conspiracy Theories, Propaganda, Rule of Law in America, Victimization
Activism, American Democracy At Risk, Interviews, Law & Order, Smackdowns

“This nefarious conspiracy – this is the hallmark of autocratic leadership back to the beginning of time. This is not normal in a democratic republic like the United States. And it should be opposed.” ~ Steve Schmidt Steve Schmidt let loose during a Thursday appearance on “Deadline: White House” discussing the Trump administration’s efforts to […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives, debunking conservative lies, Debunking Lies, Debunking Right-Wing Propaganda, Fact Check, fact-checking conservative lies, Propaganda, Right Wing lies, Right-Wing Myths
Conservatives, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Fact-Checking Lies, Republican Logic, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Propaganda

One of the surest ways or enraging conservatives is through debunking right wing lies, particularly the ones most commonly seen on Facebook, Twitter and beyond. Be sure to sprinkle these around and let us know some other great lies you want us to debunk in our next Debunking Right Wing Lies segment. 1. The United […]