By Samuel Warde on
Alt Right Movement, alt-right, Charlottesville Tragedy, Daily Stormer, Racism in America today, Richard Spencer, Southern Poverty Law Center, Traditionalist Worker Party, white nationalist, white supremacy
Activism, Bigotry, Bullying, Discrimination, Extremists

Eight months after the white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville was marred by murder and mayhem, the alt-right movement appears to be imploding. Vox reported that: “Last August, a far-right rally called ‘Unite the Right’ took over the college town of Charlottesville, Virginia, for two days. By the time police managed to clear the streets of protesters […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bigotry, History repeats itself, Immigrant Rights, immigrants, Race Baiting, Racism in America today, Racist Code Words, Sanctuary Cities, Seth Abramson, Warsaw Ghetto
Bigotry, Discrimination, Racial Issues, Sanctuary Cities

“Those of us who are Jewish—and who learned about the Warsaw Ghetto at such a young age [that] it was before we’d learned about any other embattled majority-minority neighborhood—know *exactly* what Trump meant when he complained about immigrants ‘breeding.’” ~ Seth Abramson Trump is spending the week at his Mar-a-Lago retreat in Palm Beach, Florida. […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Heritage, Bully Pulpit, Dark Racial Sentiment, Racism, Racism in America today, Racism in the White House, Racist Remarks, Racist Tweets, Twitter Tantrums, Twitter Tirades
Activism, Main Stream Media, Media, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

CNN is not holding back when it comes to their disdain for Trump’s long-standing racist remarks and tweets. CNN Editor-at-Large Chris Cillizza published a scathing analysis of Trump’s latest Twitter tantrum. While his article, titled “The dark racial sentiment in Trump’s NBA and NFL criticism” was a direct response to Trump’s weekend tirade – it also […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bigotry in America Today, Can Ted Nugent Save The GOP From Donald Trump?, Extremists in politics, Modern Racial Issues in America, Racism in America today, The United States and Racism
Bigotry, Election 2016, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

Ted Nugent May The The Only Person Who Can Save The GOP From Donald Trump Donald Trump’s campaign has been steeped in racism from the very beginning and has become synonymous with the very worst of bigotry that continues the plague the country in the early years of the twenty-first century. His campaign rallies have […]
By Samuel Warde on
anti-immigration sentiment in America, Bias against muslims, Bigotry in American, Discrimination against Immigrants, Discrimination Against Refugees, Immigration Issues in America, Immigration policy and Republicans, Immigration refugees humanitarian aid, Muslim Discrimination, Racism in America today, Religious bias, Religious Discrimination, Republicans and anti-immigration sentiment, When fear overpowers compassion
Bigotry, Discrimination, Election 2016, Immigration, Republican Logic, Republicans

“ALL houses of worship are sanctuaries, a place where all should feel safe, a place we can seek refuge when the world is too much to bear.” -Faatimah Knight/LaunchGood Project Creator In the wake of increased anti-Muslim rhetoric coming from Republicans during the 2016 campaign, this story from last summer is an important one to […]