Charlottesville Tragedy

Adultery And Felony Domestic Battery Mark The End Of One Of The Alt-Right’s Most Prominent White Nationalist Groups

Adultery And Felony Domestic Battery Mark The End Of One Of The Alt-Right’s Most Prominent White Nationalist Groups

Is the alt-right self-destructing? – Trailer park brawls, legal and financial troubles mark the beginning of the end of leading alt-right groups. However, there is no reason to celebrate as the white nationalist movement itself is still strong in America according to recent polling. Eight months after the white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville was marred by […]

Is The Alt-Right Self-Destructing? – Trailer Park Brawls, Legal And Financial Troubles Mark The Beginning Of The End

Is The Alt-Right Self-Destructing? – Trailer Park Brawls, Legal And Financial Troubles Mark The Beginning Of The End

Eight months after the white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville was marred by murder and mayhem, the alt-right movement appears to be imploding. Vox reported that: “Last August, a far-right rally called ‘Unite the Right’ took over the college town of Charlottesville, Virginia, for two days. By the time police managed to clear the streets of protesters […]

Ana Navarro: Trump A ’71-Year-Old Man Baby’ Suffering From ‘Early-Onset Dementia’ – Video

Ana Navarro: Trump A ’71-Year-Old Man Baby’ Suffering From ‘Early-Onset Dementia’ – Video

Ana Navarro unloads on Trump in the wake of his disgraceful Phoenix campaign rally, calling him a “defensive 71-year-old man baby having a disrespectful tantrum.”  Republican strategist and political commentator Ana Navarro is not one to mince words when it comes to taking on Trump and last night was no exception. Navarro took to her […]