By Samuel Warde on
african-americans a political based racism, Barack Obama, Bigotry in America, Institutional Racism in American Politics, not all conservative Republicans are racists, Racism, Racism in America today, Racism is alive and well in the GOP, Racism within the Republican Party, republicans say the darndest things, Right Wing Myths, Right-Wing Racism, The Tea Party, White Supremacists in America
Barack Obama, Bigotry, Racial Issues, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies

Proof positive that Republicans are racist when it comes to their treatment of President Obama, the first African-American president in history. There is no doubt that many Republicans are racist when it comes to President Obama. The president has been forced to endure racism, hatred and malicious lies and rumors like no other American president. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Bigotry, Election 2016, Latinos, Racism, Republicans, Videos
Activism, Discrimination, Election 2016, Racial Issues, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos

Republican presidential hopefuls are talking about Latinos and Latinos are listening. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump launched his campaign accusing Mexico of “bringing their worst people” to the United States, claiming “they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good people but I speak to border guards and they tell […]
By Samuel Warde on
DREAMers, Racial Issues, Racism, The Courts
Immigration, Racial Issues, The Courts

A federal judge asked lawyers representing the state of Arizona whether the state’s motivation in refusing to give driver’s licenses and ID cards to young undocumented immigrants was due to racism. In 2012 the Obama administration initiated the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, an immigration policy allowing certain undocumented immigrants (DREAMers) who entered the country […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Charleston Shooting, Interviews, Jim Crow, Racial Issues, Racism, Tragedies, Videos
Barack Obama, Controversy, Discrimination, Gun Control, Interviews, Racial Issues, Videos

President Obama used the N-word during an interview to help make his case that the United States has not overcome its history or racism. The President discussed the debate over race and guns in the wake of the racially motivated shooting death of nine black church members in Charleston last week. “The legacy of slavery, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Controversy, Racial Issues, Racism, Scandals, Videos
Controversy, Human Interest, Racial Issues, Scandals, Videos

The daughter of a member of The Neville Brothers was given a receipt with a racial slur on it at a New Orleans restaurant on Friday and reports she “had a breakdown” after the incident. “I’ve never been through anything like this,” Liryca Neville-Branch told reporters Friday, alongside her attorney. “I like to consider myself […]