By Kimberley Johnson on
discriminatory legislation, hypocrisy, junk science, pro life movement, Pro-Life, Reproductive Health Services, Republicans, small government, the high cost of repealing Obamacare, Women's Health
Religious Intolerance, Reproductive Rights, Republican Hypocrisy, Republicans

Pro-life conservative Republicans raise hypocrisy to new heights. Conservatives, Republicans… whatever you call yourselves: You say you want small government, yet you want government to create and enact discriminatory legislation against people who are different than you — simply because they’re different than you, and you can’t deal with those differences. You say you want […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Affordable Care act, anti-abortion bill, anti-choice, discrimination against women health, Florida, health insurance, Obamacare, Pro-Choice, Reproductive choice, reproductive freedom, Reproductive Health Services, Rick Scott, Starbucks, Women and healthcare, Women's Health, women's health services
Healthcare, Reproductive Rights, Republicans, Smackdowns, Women's Issues

Florida voter ripped into the Republican governor at a local Starbucks – and it was glorious. When Florida Governor Rick Scott stopped in a Gainesville Starbucks on Tuesday, he got a lot more than a latte. While the Republican governor was in line, a former city commissioner Cara Jennings started yelling at him for opposing […]
By Samuel Warde on
Carly Fiorina, carly fiorina argues with planned parenthood patient, carly fiorina in heated exchange with planned parenthood supporter, Election 2016, Geraldo Rivera Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Health Services, Reproductive Healthcare, reproductive rights, Videos
Election 2016, Reproductive Rights, Smackdowns, Videos, Women's Issues

Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina has come under mounting pressure after making patently false statements about a live, kicking baby being sized up for carving by those monsters at Planned Parenthood during the second Republican debate a couple of weeks ago. As Ann Werner reported for Liberals Unite last week: “If she had taken a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Controversy, Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Health Services, Reproductive Healthcare, Women's issues
Controversy, Women's Issues

An official statement by Planned Parenthood has been made regarding the highly edited and misleading viral video which emerged this week. The original video was recorded in 2014 with intent to smear the reputation of the healthcare organization. It shows a Planned Parenthood senior medical director having lunch with undercover anti-choice activists posing as potential […]
By Samuel Warde on
GOP, Michael Steele, Racial Issues, Reproductive Health Services, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos
Politics, Racial Issues, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos

Monday night, former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele suggested that Republicans act as if they don’t want black votes during a discussion with MSNBC’s Joy Reid and political strategist Angela Rye The three were discussing remarks made last week by former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani who questioned whether President Obama loves America and […]