Ronald Reagan Archives - Samuel Warde, Writer

Ronald Reagan

That Time A Group Of Immigrants Saved Ronald Reagan’s Life

That Time A Group Of Immigrants Saved Ronald Reagan’s Life

In the midst of anti-immigrant sentiment spewing from the White House, it is important to remember that a team of foreign-born doctors saved Ronald Reagan’s life. Trump launched his campaign accusing Mexico of “bringing their worst people” to the United States, claiming “they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good […]

Ronald Reagan’s 1984 Speech Would Enrage Trump Republicans – Because It Promoted Tolerance 

Ronald Reagan’s 1984 Speech Would Enrage Trump Republicans – Because It Promoted Tolerance 

The mere mention of President Ronald Reagan gets modern conservatives and many supporters of Donald Trump all tingly in their naughty parts. Conservatives, who praise Reagan as if he were a conservagod, often overlook the former President’s core message of tolerance. (Kind of like the way they cherry-pick the Bible to suit their hatred and fear […]

Ronald Reagan’s 1984 Speech Would Enrage Today’s Republicans – Because It Made Sense

Ronald Reagan’s 1984 Speech Would Enrage Today’s Republicans – Because It Made Sense

Conservative super hero Ronald Reagan gave a speech in 1984 the GOP wants you to forget. Modern conservatives sure do love Ronald Reagan. Some might say they’re even a little obsessed with him. The Facebook page Being Conservative features a profile picture of Reagan. Visit any conservative page or site and you’ll probably see some […]

Reagan Advisor On Republicans: ‘Rather Stupid And Not Very Well Read’ (VIDEO)

Reagan Advisor On Republicans: ‘Rather Stupid And Not Very Well Read’ (VIDEO)

  It’s always so much easier when they say it, isn’t it? Republicans love Ronald Reagan – like A LOT!! They have him on a pedestal and it’s nauseating. So it was pretty glorious and refreshing when one of Reagan’s former advisors, Bruce Bartlett, spoke to Ed Schultz and speculated how Republican god, Ronald Reagan, would be […]