By Samuel Warde on
Christopher Wray, Congressional Investigations, conservatives, house judiciary committee, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Russia investigation, Russia Scandal, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Treason, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy High CrimesCongress
Abuse of Power, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Conspiracy Theories, Corruption, Law & Order

Trey Gowdy removed any doubt of his hypocrisy this week while questioning Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. There were no holds barred when Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and his fellow Republicans were going after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over Benghazi. Trey Gowdy and many of those same Republicans are now trying to obstruct or […]
By Samuel Warde on
FBI Informant, Felix Sater, Russia Scandal, Russian Spy Works For FBI, Trump Tower Moscow
Impeachment, Law & Order, Legal Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation

An *active* FBI informant who conspired with Trump is telling his full story to clear his name. “I am being given no choice because of the ongoing Trump investigations,” he said. One of the biggest stories in the Russia scandal has been seething under the surface with little public notice in the wake of other – […]
By Samuel Warde on
Russia investigation, Russia Scandal, Treason, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy High Crimes
Congress, Congressional Investigations, Conservatives, Robert Mueller, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Uncategorized

There were no-holds-barred when Republicans were going after Hillary Clinton over Benghazi. Those same Republicans are now trying to impede the Russia investigation. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) reportedly committed high crimes while serving as the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Now he is trying to shut down Congress’ Russia investigation. Trey Gowdy […]
By Samuel Warde on
Carter Page Testimony, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Jeff Sessions Perjury, Russia Scandal, Seth Abramson
Law & Order, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Seth Abramson

Seth Abramson connects the dots on the Trump-Russia investigation, giving a detailed point-by-point analysis of the recently released transcript of Carter Page’s congressional testimony. Attorney and University of New Hampshire professor Seth Abramson has been publishing extensive tweets regarding the Trump-Russia conspiracy for months now; and, while he has his critics, he has been correct […]
By Samuel Warde on
Paul Manafort, Robert Mueller Investigation, Russia investigation, Russia Scandal, russiagate, Russian Collusion, Russian Election Tampering
Law & Order, Russia, Russian Scandal, Scandals

Seth Abramson connects the dots on the Trump-Russia investigation, explaining in detail that Trump’s impeachment is now inevitable in light of last night’s stunning news reports. Attorney and University of New Hampshire professor Seth Abramson has been publishing extensive tweets regarding the ongoing investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. While he […]