By Samuel Warde on
Kenneth Starr, Kenneth Starr Memo, Russia Investigation Closes in on White House, Seth Abramson, Twitter Tantrums
Social Media, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum

Trump’s cannon roars as the latest turn in the Russia investigation has him on the defensive. PBS News Hour reported that: “Trump’s Twitter cannon roared over the weekend as the latest turn in the Russia investigation seemingly placed him on the defensive. He denied he had ever absolved Russia of meddling in the 2016 U.S. […]
By Samuel Warde on
#nevertrump, Activism, Bill Kristol, Caroline O, Conservative Resistance, Conservatives Bash White House, Conservatives Join TheResistance, Jeff Flake, JK Rowling, Joe Scarborough, Joe Walsh, Join the Resistance, never trump, Richard Painter, Ron Perlman, Seth Abramson, Stephen King, Stuart Stevens, Ted Lieu, TheResistance
Activism, Never Trump, Online Activism, Resistance, The Resistance, Twitter, Twitter Trends

Being anti-Trump – it’s not just for liberals and progressives anymore. Check out these conservatives who are part of The Resistance and Never Trump movements. There are dozens of liberals and progressives actively posting against Trump using Twitter – his favorite method of communication. There are celebrities such as actor Ron Perlman, the king of […]
By Samuel Warde on
election fraud, Erik Prince, FBI conspiracy, Rudy Giuliani, Seth Abramson, Trumplandia Conspiracy
Intel, Law & Order, Russian Scandal, Scandals

“FACT: There *was* an FBI conspiracy to help elect one of the two candidates in the 2016 presidential election.” ~Seth Abramson, former criminal investigator and defense attorney Former criminal investigator and defense attorney, Seth Abramson, detailed the facts surrounding an alleged FBI conspiracy to help elect Trump. Abramson began his Twitter thread with a link […]
By Samuel Warde on
Competent to stand trial, Mental Competence, Mentally Fit for Trial, Presidential Cognitive Test, Presidential Mental Fitness, Seth Abramson
Law & Order

Trump won’t be gloating any more about his supposed mental health once he reads what Seth Abramson has to say about his health report. The White House has been gloating this week in the wake of the release of a clean bill of health. NBC News reported that: Trump is in good physical and cognitive […]
By Samuel Warde on
John Dowd, Obstruction of Justice, Richard Painter, Seth Abramson
Controversy, Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Russian Scandal

John Dowd, claimed he authored a bombshell tweet posted on Trump’s Twitter account confessing to obstruction of justice. Richard Painter and Seth Abramson weigh in on what this means. Trump’s Twitter feed lit up over the weekend in the wake of Friday’s bombshell news that Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to making false […]