By Samuel Warde on
Matt Damon, Matt Damon spoofs Brett Kavanaugh, Saturday Night Live, SNL, SNL Cold Open, SNL Takes on Kavanaugh Hearing
Celebrity, Entertainment, Entertainment News, Humor, SNL

Matt Damon kicked off SNL’s 44th season portraying U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as a fired up beer-obsessed wreck. Damon’s fiery Brett Kavanaugh was grilled during SNL’s cold open and was joined by Kate McKinnon’s Sen. Lindsey Graham screaming “I will not shut up because this is a bunch of C-R-A-P, crap,” and other noteworthy characters. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Pete Davidson, Pete Davidson mocks President, Saturday Night Live, SNL, Taran Killam
Human Interest, Humor, SNL

SNL cast member speaks out about working with Trump during his November 2015 hosting gig. A second Saturday Night Live (SNL) cast member is speaking out about working with Trump during his November 7, 2015 hosting gig. Pete Davidson spoke about working with then-presidential candidate Trump during an interview on the web talk show Complex Open […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alec Baldwin, Alec Baldwin Spoofs President, Alec Baldwin Trolls Trump, Baldwin SNL Cold Opens, SNL
Celebrity, Entertainment, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Tantrum

Alec Baldwin responds to Trump’s insulting Friday morning tweet about his impressions of the current occupant of the White House. Alec Baldwin’s acting career has spanned the better part of nearly four decades so far, but he is best known these days for his leading role in the resistance movement, mocking Trump on the ever […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alec Baldwin SNL, Mueller investigation, Saturday Night Live cold open, SNL
Humor, SNL

Concerned with the possibility of recently indicted Paul Manafort wearing a wire, Trump pays him a visit in the shower. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation has entered a new phase with the recent indictment of Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort. As The New Yorker reported October 30, 2017: On Monday morning, Paul Manafort, the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin heckled, SNL, Videos
Humor, Videos

Former part-time Alaska Gov. and failed vice-president candidate Sarah Palin attended the after party for Saturday Night Live’s anniversary special where she encountered several hecklers. TMZ reported that “Some of her critics were pretty stupid … using high school tactics like telling her she looked like crap,” and credited her with having “some pretty good […]