By Samuel Warde on
Angry NRA tweets about Oregon Shooting, Common-sense gun laws, gun control, Mass Shootings, NRA, Rage Against The NRA Explodes On Twitter, The NRA, Tragedies
Activism, Gun Control, Mass Shootings

Emotions range from anger to numbness in the wake of yet another mass shooting in the U.S. So far 2015 has seen 275 days with 294 mass shootings – incidents where 4 or more people are killed or injured by gunfire. The latest and worst mass shooting so far this year occurred yesterday at Oregon’s Umpqua […]
By Samuel Warde on
Another Mass Shooting in America, Barack Obama, gun control, President Obama gives fiery speech about Oregon Shooting, Speeches, The Oregon Shooting, The Oregon Tragedy, Tragedies, Videos
Barack Obama, Gun Control, Law & Order, Speeches, Videos

Clearly frustrated, President Obama gave a fiery speech on Thursday in the wake of the Oregon shooting. Sounding exasperated, Obama said the response to such shootings has all become all too common and that nothing changes. NBC News reports that “at least 10 people were killed and seven others were injured when a gunman who […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Charleston Shooting, Interviews, Jim Crow, Racial Issues, Racism, Tragedies, Videos
Barack Obama, Controversy, Discrimination, Gun Control, Interviews, Racial Issues, Videos

President Obama used the N-word during an interview to help make his case that the United States has not overcome its history or racism. The President discussed the debate over race and guns in the wake of the racially motivated shooting death of nine black church members in Charleston last week. “The legacy of slavery, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Charleston Shootings, Hillary Clinton, Mass Shootings, Tragedies, Westboro Baptist Church
Hillary Clinton, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies

“Arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America,” the Westboro Baptist Church is at it again – threatening to picket the funerals of the victims of the Charleston church shooting on June 17, resulting in the death of nine individuals. In and of itself, that fact is of no great surprise. They planned […]
By Samuel Warde on
Pope Francis, Tragedies
Pope Francis, Religion, Speeches, World News

Pope Francis criticized “deviant forms of religion” in the wake of the Islamist terror attacks in Paris last week. In his “State of the World” address to the diplomatic corps today,, Pope Francis referred to the “tragic slayings in Paris”. Quoting from his Message for the “2015 World Day of Peace” from December 8 2014, […]