By Samuel Warde on
Collusion, Conservative Extremist, House Freedom Caucus, Jim Jordan, Obstruction of Justice, Political Extremists, Treason

Seth Abramson doesn’t mince words when it comes to what he thinks about Jim Jordan and his efforts to derail the Mueller investigation. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation keeps growing faster and faster. FiveThirtyEight reported that: At a surprise news conference on Friday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced that the Justice Department would be charging 12 […]
By Samuel Warde on
4th of July Holiday, America Wake Up, Independence Day, Republican Logic, Republican Traitors, Russia Pro-Republican Attack on America, Russia Summit, Russian propaganda, Treason
Conservatives, Corruption, Politics, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Russia

“Can you believe Republican Congressmen are in Moscow meeting with the men who coordinated Russia’s pro-Republican attack on America… …on INDEPENDENCE DAY?” ~ Seth Abramson Russian Congressmen met with Russian officials on Wednesday as Trump prepares to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin later this month in Helsinki. The Washington Post reported that: Republican members of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Christopher Wray, Congressional Investigations, conservatives, house judiciary committee, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Russia investigation, Russia Scandal, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Treason, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy High CrimesCongress
Abuse of Power, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Conspiracy Theories, Corruption, Law & Order

Trey Gowdy removed any doubt of his hypocrisy this week while questioning Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. There were no holds barred when Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and his fellow Republicans were going after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over Benghazi. Trey Gowdy and many of those same Republicans are now trying to obstruct or […]
By Samuel Warde on
David Cay Johnston, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Impeachment, Investigative Journalism, President Nancy Pelosi, Treason, Trump Crime Family, Vengeance
Abuse of Power, Activism, Impeachment, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Scandals, Smackdowns, Treason

David Cay Johnston talks Trump and dares to dream about impeachment and President Nancy Pelosi during an in-depth interview with Salon. Chauncey DeVega, a politics staff writer for Salon, had an opportunity to interview Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist David Cay Johnston for his week podcast, The Chauncey DeVega Show. Providing some background for the interview, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Administration Foreign Policy Failures, American Trade Policy, American Trade Policy Failures, Economic Treason, Foreign Policy Treason, Treason
Abuse of Power, Corruption, Foreign Policy, Treason

“Words like ‘clumsy’ or ‘ineffective’ simply won’t do. We cannot measure [Trump’s] policy against a scale of good or bad, effective or not. We have to ask: is it actually treasonous?” ~Scott Gilmore Scott Gilmore has an extensive resume working as a diplomat, having served as a political officer for Global Affairs Canada, for the United […]