Sen. Chambliss: Hormone Levels Created By Nature Are To Blame For Military Rapes (VIDEO)

Sen, Saxby Chambliss

Sen. Saxby Chambliss

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday addressing the issue of sexual assaults within the military, suggested that the “hormone level created by nature” was to blame for rapes in the military. He also suggested that all pregnant servicewomen should be investigated to make sure their condition was the result of consensual sex.

Chambliss noted, “several years ago when we had the first females go out on an aircraft carrier, when they returned to port, a significant percentage of those females were pregnant.”

He asked Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert, “Was any investigation made by the Navy following that incident to determine whether or not all of those pregnancies occurred as a result of consensual acts?”

The admiral replied that he did not have details of the incident immediately available, but he did promise to follow up.

Chambliss went on to say, “The young folks coming in to each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22 or 23. Gee-whiz, the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur. So, we’ve got to be very careful on our side.”

The Georgia Republican points out that it is imperative to be more proactive when it pertains to background checks for sexual assault and said, “Guys, we’re not doing our jobs. You’re not doing yours and we’re not doing ours with the rates that we are seeing on sexual assaults, as I said to start with, you recognize it. We recognize it, and we got to figure this thing out because we simply can’t tolerate it.”

He added that the Pentagon’s decision to allow women in combat roles was only going to make the problem worse and noted that Democratic proposals to modify the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and reporting sexual assault outside of the victim’s chain of command may not work because young servicemen were being driven by their “nature.”


Kimberley A. Johnson (BIO) – A.K.A. The Anti Coulter is the author of The Virgin Diaries and an activist for women’s rights. Like her on Facebook, Twitter or friend her on FB HERE.

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