GOP’s Lame Attempt To Look Cool & Hip To Young Voters (VIDEO)

aamirLet’s face it, describing the Republican Party as hip or cool is about as accurate as describing Rush Limbaugh as kind, compassionate and giving.

It’s no secret the GOP doesn’t understand how to sell their message to millennials, and in an effort to reach out to youth, the Republican National Committee believe it has found the answer in Scott Greenberg.

Scott is just your average young Republican wearing a leather jacket, tortoise shell eyewear and lots of hair gel – and that proves he is a cool hipster. He tells us he wants to live in a country that offers cheap gas and an abundance of jobs! Who wouldn’t??? He suggests that if young people vote Republican, this is what they will get. But Scott doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Scott explains that Democrats impose too many pesky regulations on businesses and according to this hipster, that is a job killer! What Republicans really want is for businesses to be able to do anything they wish with little or no oversight.

There is this thing called the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is in place to ensure clean drinking water and breathable air. Republicans don’t like the EPA because it tells businesses, such as chemical companies, that certain chemicals are damaging to the environment and will not permit the business to distribute or sell those toxic chemicals. Scott doesn’t mention anything like that in the ad. That doesn’t sound cool.

Scott says that all these regulations make it difficult for young people to find jobs, but what Scott fails to mention is that Republicans have voted against and blocked the jobs bill – and they blocked the veterans jobs bill. Republicans LOVE to praise the troops, but they certainly are not in favor of offering support once they return from SERVING THE COUNTRY. Scott isn’t reporting on who the real job killers are – REPUBLICANS. You know, the ones who shut down the government and cost us $24 BILLION  because they don’t want Americans to reap the benefits of the Affordable Care Act.

Seriously GOP, where do you come up with your material? Oh, wait!  Crusty, old, white, rich men are in charge of casting! No wonder you chose Scott. You think he looks like the 21st Century Arthur Fonzarelli, A.K.A, The Fonz. Ayyyyyyyyyyyy.  Sorry. While Scott looks like a nice enough young lad, he lacks the charisma  and authenticity you need to pull in young voters.

The real job killers are the GOP politicians who REFUSE to offer any jobs plan of their own, and who vote no on every jobs bill the Democrats bring to the floor.

Kimberley-SM Kimberley A. Johnson (BIO) is the author of The Virgin Diaries and an activist for women’s rights. Like her on Facebook, Twitter or follow her on FB HERE.





Kimberley Johnson
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