I can only imagine what crossed your mind when you read that headline.
Maybe you thought the author (me) is delusional and that I need meds STAT!
Maybe you thought I am being blasphemous and offensive.
Maybe you thought that I am full of shit.
If you thought the latter – CONGRATULATIONS! I am full of shit because God didn’t talk to me – and never has.
And before someone flies off the handle and criticizes me for mocking God, please read the entire post – and you will see that I am not mocking God or religion.
What if Democratic politicians announced that God told them to run for office, or that God said to implement a flat tax? Do you think the right would have a complete meltdown? I do. Because they WOULD. They would throw all kids of fits and scream how blasphemous it is and how utterly ridiculous it is. They would say that those politician are crazy or lying or mentally impaired. You KNOW they would. At the very least, they would mock and poke fun in an effort to discredit them – in case someone actually believed them.
Yet so many on the right are claiming that God is advising them on political matters and no one bats an eye – not even liberals.
It is accepted.
What if the headline read “Allah Told Me To Run For Office?”
I am pretty sure no one would ever pay attention to a word I said anymore if I was being serious.
Americans, in general, accept it or look the other way when someone in the GOP claims to have conversations with the Lord. But if you hosted a dinner party and one of your guests, “Joe,” said he and God conversed, you can take it TO THE BANK that the rest of your dinner guests would shoot each other knowing looks – implying that Joe is a lunatic. Joe would probably never be invited back to another get-together, and the rest of the guests would endlessly ridicule him on the drive home.
Despite the growing number of outspoken atheists and the many diverse religions in America, Christianity has a strong-hold – so strong that we accept delusional behavior. Religion in and of itself is not a problem for me. Personally, I have no problem with people practicing any religion they wish – or not believing in one at all – because that is truly the American way. I just don’t want anyone to shove their religion down MY throat. I don’t push my spiritual beliefs/theories on to anyone – ever. Religion is not supposed to play a role politics. The Tea Party is obsessed with throwing the Constitution in our faces, but just like they do with the Bible, they pick and choose and redefine the text to fit their specific agenda. The First Amendment is very clear:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”
It doesn’t say ” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion – unless the law is created by a Republican or someone in the Tea Party.”
By God, take a look at the right-wingers who have these imaginary conversations with the Lord:
Born again George W. Bush said “And now, again, I feel God’s words coming to me, ‘Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East’. And, by God, I’m gonna do it.”
Conservatives actually miss him and long for the days he was screwing up this country.
Ted Cruz believes he has been chosen by God to be the President of the United States because when Ted was a child, his father, Rafael Cruz, told him so – over and over and over and over again.
Born again Sarah Palin thinks she’s the anointed one – and I would love to see a Palin v. Cruz showdown over who God really wants to run the country – or the world.
Michele Bachmann believes prayer is a great strategy to get things done. And while there is nothing wrong with praying, it is not a political strategy and it isn’t going to feed hungry children or stop climate change
And of course, conservatives absolutely refuse to comment on their beloved lunatic, Dr. Ben Carson, when he claims he’s getting helpful political hints from the Lord – and that he’ll run for POTUS if the Lord grabs him by the collar and tells him to.
When does the Lord EVER grab anybody’s collar???
Yet – it is accepted. People choose to blindly accept this. And these loons may not even be lying. They might actually need therapy. They may be so deluded and brainwashed that they actually believe their own hype. Either way – the fact that we as a society allow for this is just embarrassing.
Just imagine what the reaction from the right would be if Barack Obama said God told him to write an executive order.
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Kimberley A. Johnson (BIO) is the author of The Virgin Diaries and an activist for women’s rights. Like her on Facebook, Twitter or follow her on FB HERE. |
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