Conservatives Are Outraged Over Wendy Davis Wheelchair Ad (VIDEO)

ww10Conservatives are outraged again. This time it is over the latest political ad from Texas State Senator Wendy Davis that highlights the hypocrisy of her gubernatorial Republican opponent, Greg Abbott.

The ad opens with a picture of an empty wheelchair and says that Abbott filed and won a lawsuit after an accident left him paralyzed, but after he got his, he worked to limit liability to other accident victims.

“A tree fell on Greg Abbott. He sued and got millions. Since then, he’s spent his career working against other victims.”

The ad goes on to highlight three cases Abbott presided over as a state Supreme Court Justice or as Attorney General.

The ad says:

“Abbott Argument: a woman whose leg was amputated was not disabled because she had an artificial limb.” Dallas News 2/15/14

“Abbott ruled against a rape victim who sued a corporation for failing to do a background check on a sexual predator.” Texas Supreme Court 1998

“Abbott sides with hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon who paralyzed patients.”                    The Dallas Morning News 3/26/14

The treatment Davis has received from the right has been vicious. They call her Abortion Barbie, they have  shamed her for being honest about having an abortion and they take any opportunity to paint her as some kind of charlatan. Yet when she plays hardball and uses facts against her opponent, the right goes ballistic.

Abbott spokeswoman Amelia Chasse said: “It is challenging to find language strong enough to condemn Sen. Davis’ disgusting television ad, which represents a historic low for someone seeking to represent Texans.”

Breitbart called it a “ham-fisted, desperate, and mean-spirited campaign.”

Even the very liberal site Mother Jones expressed disdain for the ad.

Abbott is in a wheelchair. This is fact. No one is attacking him because he is in a wheelchair. The attack exposes the ugly truth – that Abbott had an unfortunate accident that left him paralyzed. He sued and was awarded a large sum of money. But when Abbott had the opportunity to help other victims, he sided against them. The Davis campaign simply shared facts.

What do you think?

Kimberley Johnson
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