Fist Pounding Shouting Match Between Bill O’Reilly And Alan Colmes (VIDEO)

Fist Pounding Shouting Match Between Bill O’Reilly And Alan Colmes (VIDEO)

In this Flashback Friday piece from March of 2013, Bill O’Reilly resorted to screaming at guest and political commentator Alan Colmes during a debate on President Obama’s spending cuts. “Bull—-! You are lying! You are lying!” a fist-pounding O’Reilly screamed at Colmes who responded shouting himself: “Don’t call me a liar. Don’t you sit there […]

Megyn Kelly Rips Erick Erickson: ‘What Makes You Dominant And Me Submissive?’ (VIDEO)

Megyn Kelly Rips Erick Erickson: ‘What Makes You Dominant And Me Submissive?’  (VIDEO)

Here is a classic Flashback Friday clip of Fox News Host Megyn Kelly taking down RedState editor Erick Erickson back in May of 2013. During the clip, Kelly slams Erickson over an on-the-air lament he recently made about the increase in mothers as household breadwinners where he asserted that the “male typically is the dominant […]

Sean Hannity Gets Owned By John Cleese, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and Robt. Gibbs (VIDEO)

Sean Hannity Gets Owned By John Cleese, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and Robt. Gibbs (VIDEO)

You are in for a real treat with this Flashback Friday clip that shows Sean Hannity getting tag-teamed by none other than John Cleese, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and Robert Gibbs who served as President Obama’s first campaign manager and White House Press Secretary. Olbermann starts out the “Seanabler” segment with a clip showing Gibbs […]

Watch As Bill O’Reilly Launches A Vicious Verbal Assault On A 9/11 victim’s Son – Video

Watch As Bill O’Reilly Launches A Vicious Verbal Assault On A 9/11 victim’s Son – Video

Bill O’Reilly goes berserk on 9/11 victims son, yelling at him and having security toss him off the set. Here is an incredible clip from “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism“, a film by Robert Greenwald made in July of 2004. The movie takes a long, hard look at the Fox News Channel and its […]