Kentucky Clerk Jailed On Contempt Charges


Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis has been taken into custody and jailed after being summoned to federal court on contempt charges stemming from her refusal to issue any marriage licenses in the wake of the recent Supreme Court ruling making marriage equality the law of the land.

The controversy came to a head on Monday after the Supreme Court denied her petition for a stay to a lower court ruling ordering Davis to begin issuing marriage licenses. Then on Tuesday Tensions exploded when two couples tried to obtain marriage licenses and were turned down.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning summoned Davis and her staff later that day after the lawyers for both couples filed a contempt complaint with the court.

NBC News reports that Davis was found to be in contempt of court Thursdays morning.

District Court Judge David Bunning has said Davis is bound by an oath of office to perform her duties under the law, and ordered that she be jailed until she complied with his order to grant licenses.

According to NBC, a tearful Davis told Judge Bunning that she could not comply with his orders on the stand and U.S. Marshals took her into custody.

Davis was heard saying “thank you, judge” as she was being led away.

Samuel Warde
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