By Samuel Warde on
Financial Crimes, Jury Deliberations, Manafort Verdict, Money Crimes, Paper Crimes, Paul Manafort, Paul Manafort Trial, White Collar Crimes, White Collar Crimes Difficult to Prosecute, White Collar Prosecutions
Law & Order, Legal Justice, The Courts

Stakes are high as the jury continues deliberating the guilt or innocence of Trump’s former campaign manager. Paul Manafort is being tried for a string of financial crimes. The jury of six men and six women returned to the courthouse Monday to begin their third day deliberating whether Manafort is guilty or innocent on some, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Embarrassing Twitter Moments, Humiliating Tweets, Kevin McCarthy, Social Media Censorship, Worst Tweets Ever
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Fact-Checking Lies, False Claims, Humor, Smackdowns, Social Media, Social Media Battles, Twitter, Twitter Trends

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy was mercilessly mocked on Twitter after making a complete buffoon out of himself. As The Hill reported this weekend, “Twitter has been criticized by several conservative figures who say the site is ‘shadow banning’ right-leaning voices.” Republican Representative Kevin McCarthy of California should have heeded the old adage: “Better to […]
By Samuel Warde on
John Dean, John Dean blasts president, Peter Wehner, Peter Wehner blasts White House, Rudi Giuliani Truth isn't Truth
Abuse of Power, Republicans, Smackdowns, Twitter, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrums

Team Trump takes several hard hits when two powerful Republicans who served 4 of the 5 last Republicans presidents took to Twitter to weigh in on recent events. Former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean and Peter Wehner take to twitter to strike back at Team Trump. John Dean took to his Twitter account this […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best of Twitter, J.K. Rowling speaks out, JK Rowling Speaks out against American President, Perfect Twitter Takedowns, Twitter Battles, Twitter Insults
Smackdowns, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tantrums

With one perfect tweet, J.K. Rowling puts Trump in his place after he tosses another one of his infamous Twitter-tantrums. British novelist, screenwriter and film producer J.K. Rowling is best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, and when it comes to “calling bullshit” on politicians – she isn’t the least bit shy. This morning, she […]
By Samuel Warde on
Appearance of Guilt, Cooperating Witness, Fake News, McCarthyism in Modern America, Mueller Investigation Closes In On President, Presidential Tantrum, The New York Times, The Return of McCarthyism, Twitter Meltdown, Twitter Storm, Twitter Tantrum, witch hunt
Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tantrums, Weird News

Fear seems to be setting in as Trump threw a Twitter-Tantrum Sunday morning, claiming “Mueller and his gang that make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby!” The walls appear to be crumbling around Trump in the wake of recent events. The jury of six men and six women return to court on Monday to continue […]