By Samuel Warde on
Jimmy Carter always told the truth, Jimmy Carter proud of keeping the peace, Jimmy Carter Speaks Out, Jimmy Carter supporting human rights, Rosalyn Carter
Abuse of Power, Human Interest, Quotes

“Jimmy Carter has remained notably quiet about Donald Trump, but on this night, two years into Trump’s term, he’s not holding back.” ~ The Washington Post The Chicago Tribune published a strongly worded article condemning recent events surrounding Trump. “Trump seems manic, swatting at scandals like he’s wearing a suit of jelly in a late-summer swarm of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bank Fraud Prosecutions, Jury Deliberations, Manafort Jury Deliberations, Paul Manafort, Tax Evasion Prosecutions, White Collar Criminal Prosecution, White Collar Juries
Law & Order, The Courts, Uncategorized

Legal experts explain that there are four things to consider while waiting for the Manafort jury to return on Monday to renew deliberations. Noted Washington D.C. media outlet, Roll Call, published an in-depth article discussing the reasons why the jury has not yet reached a verdict after two days of deliberation in the trial of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Canada Blasts White House, Canadian News Media, Foreign Policy Failure, Maclean's Magazine, Maclean's News Magazine, Macleans bashes White House, misogyny, Normalizing Bigotry, Omarosa Manigault Newman, Racism, Scott Gilmore, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account
Abuse of Power, Activism, Bigotry, Bullying, Main Stream Media, Media

Di Michael Vadon – Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0, Collegamento Canadian news media strikes at the heart of Trump’s malignancy, not holding anything back. Canadians are getting sick and tired of Trump and his antics – particularly when it comes to his normalization of bigotry and authoritarianism. Canadian news magazine, Maclean’s, published a fiery article earlier […]
By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Disfunctional Family, Dysfunctional Families, Dysfunctional marriage, Marital Abuse, Mind Control, Spousal Abuse, Spousal Neglect

Seth Abramson weighs in on stunning new allegations regarding Trump’s treatment of Melania. Former criminal investigator Seth Abramson has weighed in on a variety of issues this week regarding the Trump administration. First, there was a blanket statement about witness tampering followed up by two separate lines of discussion regarding, first, the news that Trump […]
By Samuel Warde on
Federal Crimes, Obstruction of Justice, Openly committing crimes on Twitter, Seth Abramson, Witness Tampering
Abuse of Power, Criminal Conspiracy, Cybercrime, False Claims, Law & Order, Seth Abramson, Witness Tampering

Seth Abramson weighs in on Trump’s recent antics, says he is openly committing crimes. Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney Seth Abramson weighed in this week on the upcoming testimony of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and Trump’s twitter campaign to discredit him prior to that hearing. Abramson began his analysis with a link to an […]