By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Emmanuel Macron, Emmanuel Macron Praises Science, free trade, French President Congressional Speech, Inequality, Isolationism, Nationalism, The Course of History, The Iran Deal, the Liberal World Order, US Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy, History, Smackdowns, Speeches

Emmanuel Macron offered a forceful rejection of Trumpism, excoriating “extreme nationalism” and protectionism. “You can play with anger and fear for a time,” Macron said, alluding to the themes that fuel right-wing nationalist movements in the West, “but they do not construct anything.” Emmanuel Macron repudiates Trump’s political philosophy and worldview after spending the first part of the week kissing, hugging, […]
By Samuel Warde on
conspiracy, Criminal Implications, Criminal Obstruction, Michael Flynn, Michael Flynn Jr, Mike Flynn, Mike Flynn Jr, Mike Pence, Obstruction of Justice, perjury
Law & Order, Right Wing Lies, Russia Investigation

Michael Flynn’s son went on a Twitter-tirade and managed to incriminate both Trump and Mike Pence in obstruction of justice. Monday morning, Michael Flynn Jr., the son of Trump’s former national security adviser, launched an unabashed twitter-tirade. He started the day tweeting: “American Patriot @GenFlynn did not lie to Pence (or anyone else in the […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Democracy, American Democracy in the 21st Century, American Way of Life, Join the Resistance, Preserving the American way of life, Protesting American Democracy, The Resistance Movement
Activism, Democracy, Resistance

The American way of life is under fire, and all our gains are being imperiled by Trump’s administration; but there is something you can do to fight back. Here are six ways you can push back against the Trump administration’s anti-civil rights, anti-immigrant, anti-Obamacare, anti-woman, anti-pretty-much-anything-that-makes-us-proud-to-be-Americans agenda. 1. VOLUNTEER: Volunteering time or money to organizations […]
By Samuel Warde on
Civil Disobedience, Civil War, Impeachment, Insurrection, Jim Bakker, Political Unrest, Roger Stone, Russia Indictments
Extremists, Impeachment, Religious Fanaticism, Right Wing Fanatics

Last summer, longtime Televangelist Jim Bakker, Trump ally Roger Stone, and others warned the country that civil war would break out in the event Republicans turn on Trump and allow him to be impeached. Those threats take on new meaning as the Russia investigation bulldozes forward. With Democrats expected to make big gains during the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Appealing Facebook Decisions, Facebook, Facebook Policies, Fighting Facebook Trolls, Reporting Facebook Posts

Facebook unveiled a new program that will help users report inappropriate posts and afford them the opportunity to appeal if Facebook decides not to remove a flagged item. Facebook updated their community guidelines on Tuesday and launched an appeals option. In the past users could report a piece of content for review, but there was […]