By Samuel Warde on
Lewis Black Voter Suppression, Madison Kimrey, Madison Kimrey talks voter suppression, provisional voting rights, teen voter pre-registration, The ACLU and Voter Suppression, The ACLU and voting rights, Voter ID Laws, voter pre-registration, Voting Reform Laws, Voting Rights
Activism, Voter Suppression, Voting

Check out what happens when a Tea Partier tries to deny the existence of voter suppression laws. SPOILER: It didn’t have a happy ending – at least not for him. I posted the following image on my Facebook profile a while back to help start a conversation regarding voter suppression efforts in North Carolina. ACLU […]
By Samuel Warde on
March for Our Lives, March For Our Lives Movement, Preventing School Shootings, Reasonable Gun Restrictions, Save Our Children, Saving School Children, school shootings, Student Activists, Teen Activists, Tomi Lahren
Activism, Gun Control, Gun lovers, Human Interest, Human Rights

Tomi Lahren got destroyed this weekend after making a complete fool of herself on Twitter. Self-proclaimed “constitutional conservative” Tomi Lahren has been extremely vocal regarding her pro-gun stance since the tragic mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where seventeen people were killed and an additional seventeen wounded on February 14, […]
By Samuel Warde on
30 Years of Mocking Trump, Doonesbury, Doonesbury Mocks The White House, Doonesbury Political Cartoons, Doonesbury Trump Cartoons, Garry Trudeau, Political Cartoons, Trump Cartoons
Activism, Humor

Described by Trump as “overrated,” “a sleazeball,” “a jerk” and “a total loser,” Garry Trudeau has been mocking Trump for over 30 years – and counting. Garry Trudeau, the creator of Doonesbury and the first cartoonist to win the Pulitzer Prize, has been mocking Trump since the 1980s. Democracy Now host Amy Goodman interviewed Trudeau in […]
By Samuel Warde on
Energy Conservation, Energy Secretary, fossil fuels, renewable energy, Renewable Energy Replacing Fossil Fuels, Replacing Fossil Fuels, Rick Perry, Save the Planet, Saving the Environment, Woman Photo Bombs Rick Perry, Woman shoots Rick Perry the Bird
Activism, Energy, Humor

You have to look carefully at this photo to see what makes it so special, but it aptly describes what most of us think about Rick Perry after his claim that moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy is “immoral”. Former Texas Governor Rick Perry’s presidential campaign “faced a meltdown after one of the most […]
By Samuel Warde on
America's wild horses, Endangered Species, environmental protection, Extinction, horse as food, horse slaughter, Republican budget, Restrictions Protecting Wild Horses, tax cuts for the rich, Wild Horse Population, Wild Horses, Wild Horses Threatened, Wild Mustang Population Threatened, Wild Mustangs, Wildlife Conservation, wildlife protection
Activism, Animals, Wildlife Protection

A wild mustang charging across an open plain is a symbol of the untamed majesty of nature. But the predators chasing these horses are anything but natural – they are in fact the Trump administration. Traditionally, America’s wild horses have held a place of honor as proud icons of the nation’s pioneering history, but all […]