By Samuel Warde on
Lewis Black Voter Suppression, Madison Kimrey, Madison Kimrey talks voter suppression, provisional voting rights, teen voter pre-registration, The ACLU and Voter Suppression, The ACLU and voting rights, Voter ID Laws, voter pre-registration, Voting Reform Laws, Voting Rights
Activism, Voter Suppression, Voting

Check out what happens when a Tea Partier tries to deny the existence of voter suppression laws. SPOILER: It didn’t have a happy ending – at least not for him. I posted the following image on my Facebook profile a while back to help start a conversation regarding voter suppression efforts in North Carolina. ACLU […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
A political revolution isn’t about a one-time vote, Bernie Sanders, bernie sanders revolution, election day, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton is a powerful force to be reckoned with, Political revolution in america, politics, progressive vision, re-ignited a spirit of hope and change, Revolution, success depends on favorable congressional majorities, the presidential radar, Voting Rights, You say you want a revolution, you should vote for Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders, Democrats, Election 2016

You say you want a revolution? Senator Bernie Sanders has re-ignited a spirit of hope and change with his message of a political revolution. Last summer he was barely a blip on the presidential radar, but his progressive vision has resulted in millions and millions of dollars in small, individual campaign donations, and he fills […]
By Samuel Warde on
8 Progressive Laws That Could Set A National Trend, Activism, Automatic Voter Registration, Livestock Antibiotic Ban, Medical Marijuana rights, progressive, Right to Die with Dignity, Social Justice, States Issues, Sweeping New Social Policies Could Set National Trend, Voting Rights
Government, Gun Control, Marijuana Legalization, Politics, Social Justice, States Issues, Voting

California, known for its progressive social policies, may very well be setting a national trend with 8 progressive laws. California’s legislative session officially concluded for both legislative houses on September 11th of this year, with October 11th being the last day for Gov. Jerry Brown to sign or veto bills. Statutes take effect on on […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Cory Booker, Elections, Voter Fraud, Voting Rights
Civil Rights, Elections, Equal Rights, Republicans

On August 6, 2015, the Voting Rights Act turned 50. The day before the VRA anniversary, Texas voters had reason to celebrate – the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Texas’s 2011 photo ID law was unconstitutional, because it violated the rights of minority voters. Popular Democratic Senator Cory Booker (NJ) appeared on ABC’s […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Moral Monday, Voting, Voting Rights
Activism, Voting

Described by The Nation as “An inspiring grassroots movement [that] is fighting back against the GOP’s outrageous budget cuts and attacks on democracy,” the Moral Monday movement started in April 2013, with a few folks protesting, and has grown to tens of thousands. As part of the ongoing struggle against North Carolina’s attacks on democracy, […]