By Samuel Warde on
Billionaires Storm White House, Billionaires Take Washington DC, California Federation of Teachers, Ed Asner Tax The Rich, Trump Conflict of Interests, Trump Tax Rich, Viral Video Tax The Rich
Activism, Tax Policy, Taxes, Videos, Viral Videos

Controversy rages as billionaires storm over the White House, making this the perfect time to review this video starring Ed Asner. Now is a good time to look back on an animated classic, “Tax the Rich,” that was narrated by Hollywood Legend Ed Asner, considering the string of wealthy millionaires and billionaires serving in Trump’s cabinet […]
By Samuel Warde on
Animals, Earth Island Journal, Great Whale Conservancy, Inspirational, Marine Park, Nature, Safeguarding American Waters, Videos, Whales, Wildlife Conservation
Activism, Animals, Human Interest, Nature, Videos, Viral Videos

This is flipping amazing… A heartwarming story captured in film at the beautiful Sea of Cortez. While sailing in the Sea of Cortez with his family on Valentines Day 2011, Michael Fishbach — a staff member of Earth Island Institute’s Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters and co-director the Great Whale Conservancy — came across a […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Civil Rights Movement, Civic Activism, Civil Rights Movement Gains, Preserving Civil Rights, Social Activism, Winning the War for Civil Rights

American civil liberties are under fire and all our gains from the civil rights movement are being imperiled by Trump’s administration, but there is something you can do to fight back. 2015 marked the sesquicentennial anniversary of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude. That amendment, the first of […]
By Samuel Warde on
#nevertrump, Activism, Bill Kristol, Caroline O, Conservative Resistance, Conservatives Bash White House, Conservatives Join TheResistance, Jeff Flake, JK Rowling, Joe Scarborough, Joe Walsh, Join the Resistance, never trump, Richard Painter, Ron Perlman, Seth Abramson, Stephen King, Stuart Stevens, Ted Lieu, TheResistance
Activism, Never Trump, Online Activism, Resistance, The Resistance, Twitter, Twitter Trends

Being anti-Trump – it’s not just for liberals and progressives anymore. Check out these conservatives who are part of The Resistance and Never Trump movements. There are dozens of liberals and progressives actively posting against Trump using Twitter – his favorite method of communication. There are celebrities such as actor Ron Perlman, the king of […]
By Samuel Warde on
David Bowie anti-gun message, David Bowie Hidden Agenda with Valentine's Day video, David Bowie speaks out against gun violence, David Bowie takes on Charleston Heston, David Bowie takes on the NRA, David Bowie Valentine's Day, David Bowie Valentines Day Music Video, The Bamberg Conference the NRA and David Bowie, The hidden meaning to Bowie's Valentine's Day, The Valentine's Day massacre and David Bowie
Activism, Gun Control, Music Videos

David Bowie’s Valentine’s Day continues to inspire controversy over its meaning. Valentine’s Day is David Bowie‘s fourth single from his 24th studio album, The Next Day. The single was released on 19 August 2013 and continues to be a source of controversy. The accompanying music video features Bowie singing in an abandoned grain silo in […]