By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Billionaire gives away his fortune, Documentaries, Human Interest, Inspirational, Inspiring People, Inspiring Stories, mysterious billionaire monk pledges to give away 99 percent of his weatlh, Philanthropy, Videos
Activism, Human Interest, Videos

Manoj Bhargava is a the founder and CEO of Living Essentials, the biggest player by far in the energy-shot market and the company behind “5-hour Energy.” Bhargava was born Lucknow, India, he moved to the United States in 1967 with his family at the age of 14, but returned to India in 1974 where he […]
By Samuel Warde on
activists, anti-abortion, reproductive rights, The Daily Show, The Daily Show anti-abortion advocates not so pro-life after all, The Daily Show takes on anti-abortion, Trevor Noah, Trevor Noah anti-abortion movement not pro-life, Trevor Noah anti-choice not pro-life after all, Videos, Women's issues
Activism, Reproductive Rights, Videos, Women's Issues

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah took on the pro-life movement on Monday, proposing that anti-abortion advocates like Carly Fiorina and Jeb Bush channel their pro-life rhetoric into another vital issue: gun control. Noah began by pointing out the great success the anti-choice movement has seen in “restricting access to abortion using methods such as […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bigotry, gay rights., Human Interest, Humor, LGBT Issues, Transgender Rights, Videos, Westboro Baptist Church, Westboro Baptist Church Run Out Of Town By High School Students
Activism, Discrimination, gay rights, LGBT Issues, Social Justice, Videos^tfw A group of Missouri high school students chased away a group of protesters from the infamous Westboro Baptist Church last week. Revolution News reports that last Thursday, “the infamous hate mongers from the Westboro Baptist Church were run out of town by high school students and various activists when they tried to protest the […]
By Samuel Warde on
12 Absurd Reasons People Were Shot This September, 12 Reasons people were killed by firearms this september, Activism, Common Sense Firearm Restriction, Common-sense gun laws, gun control, gun violence, Less Guns, Parents Against Gun Violence, Some of the reasons people were shot in September 2015
Activism, Gun Control, Human Interest

Parents Against Gun Violence is a group of “conservatives, liberals and moderates, convinced that there are many common-sense policies that can reduce gun violence, and especially the risk of harm to children.“ The group was created in the wake of the Newtown, CT, killings of Friday, December 14, 2012, the second worst mass shooting in […]
By Samuel Warde on
6 Ways The News Media Encourages Future Mass Shootings, Corruption. Law & Order, How Not To Cover A Mass Shooting, Mass Shootings, Open Letter To America About Mass Shootings, Videos
Activism, Gun Control, Human Interest, Interviews, Law & Order, Videos

“Every time we have intense saturation coverage of a mass murder, we expect to see one or two more within a week.” – Dr. Park Dietz, forensic psychiatrist The U.S. has experienced a massive increase in the number of mass shootings the last 30 years, with a mass shooting defined as four or more people […]