By Samuel Warde on
America a failed state, America Destabilizes the world, American Corruption reaches third world levels, American Democracy at risk, American Shame, Americans no longer safe, Death of American Democracy, Diplomatic Treason, Saving America from Itself, Shameful Point in American History
Abuse of Power, Activism, Defense, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, National Security, Scott Gilmore, Smackdowns, World News

Trump blasted for his ongoing bromance with Vladimir Putin by a former Canadian diplomat. “In 2013 on his way to Moscow, Trump tweeted the question: ‘…will [Putin] become my new best friend?’ Five years later, the answer is a clear ‘yes.’” American allies are getting sick and tired of Trump and his antics, from his withdrawal […]
By Samuel Warde on
America a failed state, America Destabilizes the world, American Corruption reaches third world levels, American Democracy at risk, American Shame, Americans no longer safe, Death of American Democracy, Diplomatic Treason, Saving America from Itself, Shameful Point in American History
Abuse of Power, Activism, Defense, Democracy, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, National Security

“There is no precedent—a president sides with America’s enemies.” ~ Scott Gilmore American allies are getting sick and tired of Trump and his antics, from his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement and his violation of the Iran Nuclear deal to his recent trade wars and policy of separating migrant children from their parents […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benjamin Netanyahu, Bill Clinton, Foreign Affairs, Iran Nuclear Deal, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Secret Recordings, Videos, William Jefferson Clinton, World News
Defense, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, Videos, War, War and Peace, World News

Trump just violated the Iran nuclear deal based – in his own words – on the word of Benjamin Netanyahu which makes this clip particularly relevant today. NOTE FROM THE EDITORS: We venture no opinion about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in this article. We provide only background on the origin of the video and the video itself. […]
By Samuel Warde on
France supports Iran Nuclear Deal, Germany Supports Iran Nuclear Deal, Iran Nuclear Deal, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Nuclear crisis in North Korea, Nuclear War, Syria, The Sydney Morning Herald, United Kingdom Supports Iran Deal, USA Brings the world closer to nuclear war, USA Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal, Yemen
Activism, Defense, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, North Korea, War, War and Peace

“The world is a step closer to a potentially catastrophic war because the American president is distressed about revelations that he paid off a porn star to cover up an affair.” ~ The Sydney Morning Herald The Sydney Morning Herald, the oldest continuously published newspaper in Australia and a national online news brand, published a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Kim Jung-un, Media Attention, North Korea Negotiations, North Korea Policy Dispute, North Korea War, Nuclear Proliferation by North Korea, Nuclear Threat, Nuclear War, White House saber-rattling
Defense, Foreign Policy, History, Homeland Security, Human Interest

Trump is unnecessarily putting American lives at risk in an effort to quench his insatiable need for media attention. Trump has consistently lowered the bar when it comes to being despicable. He claims to cherish women; however, as Huffington Post reported, over the years Trump “has consistently insulted, belittled, sexualized and stereotyped women. He has also taken the time to personally […]