By Whatever Jones on
Brett Kavanaugh, Dave Daubenmire, feminists, The Hagmann Report
Feminism, Religious Fanaticism, Sexual misconduct, Uncategorized

Right-wing evangelical extremist Dave Daubenmire appeared on “The Hagmann Report” last week and complained about the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Daubenmire said there is a “double standard” in American society where women are allowed to commit “sexual abuse” by leading men on. He said, “What would be going on in America today if Judge Kavanaugh went before […]
By Samuel Warde on
Being American, Chelsea Clinton, Chelsea Clinton on current President, Chelsea Clinton What It Means To Be An American, MeToo Movement
Bigotry, Feminism, Law & Order, Smackdowns, Social Justice

Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, does not mince words when it comes to expressing her contempt for the current occupants of the White House. Chelsea sat down for a far-reaching interview with The Guardian to discuss her third children’s book, She Persisted Around The […]
By Samuel Warde on
Abortion on Demand, Amazon Plan B, Amazon Plan C Coming Soon, Clinic-Based Abortion Care, Medication Abortion, Plan C Abortion, Woman's Right To Privacy
Feminism, Women's Issues

Fasten your seat belts conservatives – abortion on demand may be available on Amazon soon – and it’s all thanks to you and your regressive campaign against women. An interesting article was published by The Christian Science Monitor this week discussing the parallels between “today’s movement towards home abortions” and the “cultural battles” prior to […]
By Samuel Warde on
feminism, Mainstream media failures, Mainstream Media Normalizing Bigotry, Normalizing Hatred, Normalizing Misogyny, People Magazine Humanizes Donald Trump, People Magazine Normalizes the Trumps, Women's issues, womens empowerment
Activism, Feminism, Main Stream Media, Racial Issues, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Hypocrites, Women's Issues

Jezebel blasted People Magazine for their celebratory Trump edition, promising to call out any other entertainment magazine attempting to normalize the Trumps. Jezebel, the online magazine focused on celebrities, feminism and issues relating to women’s empowerment, blasted People Magazine yesterday for publishing a celebratory Trump cover but failing to mention that one of their writers […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
feminist, man trolls, mansplaining, not all men
Feminism, Women's Issues

I know, I know. #Notall men. When I started my Facebook profile page back in 2010, I had one simple goal: to promote my book about first-time sex. I quickly learned that Facebook is not the venue to promote books, yet I persevered. In 2012, Rush Limbaugh referred to Sandra Fluke as a slut and, […]