gay marriage

A Christian Posts One Of The Best Reactions To Marriage Equality

A Christian Posts One Of The Best Reactions To Marriage Equality

When SCOTUS ruled on Marriage Equality, some folks weren’t very happy. One woman took to the Internet to complain and even sobbed as she prayed to Jesus. Some thought it would be super neat to post an American flag as a way to protest the LGBT rainbow flag that flooded social media. Because ‘Murica! That’s what makes […]

Betty Bowers Takes On Christian Extremist Over Gay Marriage Rant – VIDEO

Betty Bowers Takes On Christian Extremist Over Gay Marriage Rant – VIDEO

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, is at it again – this time taking on Christian Extremist Becky Wegner Rommel. A couple of days ago, “Queerty was the first to report on the 64-year-old Indiana housewife’s recorded meltdown over marriage equality. It included tears, screaming, yelling, crying for Jesus, and jabs at gays, gay-loving Christians, Muslims, women who […]

Conservatives Dealt 5 Knockout Blows The Last 8 Days

Conservatives Dealt 5 Knockout Blows The Last 8 Days

Riding high over the mid-term elections, then faced with the reality of what appears to be another “do-nothing” session of Congress – conservatives were dealt 5 knockout blows over the course of the last eight days. THURSDAY, June 25, 2015: 1) First came the Supreme Court decision in King v. Burwell, “negating a far-right challenge […]

Lesbians Can Get Married But They Still Don’t Have Equality

Lesbians Can Get Married But They Still Don’t Have Equality

Rainbows decorated the nation when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Marriage Equality. It was certainly an overdue victory for the LGBTQ community, however half of the gay population is still held back because the United States doesn’t have an Equal Rights Amendment. Via ERA Action: “The ruling was momentous and long overdue. We […]