By Kimberley Johnson on
Constitution, equal rights, equality, Helen Hunt, Jane Fonda, Taylor swift
Equal Rights, Equal Rights Amendment, Gender Equality

Equal means equal. In 2013, my fierce young activist friend Madison Kimrey wrote this wonderful piece. Since we’re still waiting for an Equal Rights Amendment, I thought it would be a good idea to republish it and remind people that we’re still fighting. I’d like to add that if Hillary Clinton becomes the next president, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Celebrate the Global Power of Women, Elle, gender equality, This Video Will Make Women Storm Their Male Boss's Office, Videos, Viral Videos, Women's issues
Activism, Discrimination, Gender Equality, Videos, Viral Videos, Women's Issues

Elle Magazine has created a new video showcasing what happens when women are Photoshopped out of images in the workplace and in politics. Quartz reports that the video is a “series of disheartening images that serve an inspiring purpose,” adding that the video is part of a #morewomen campaign “launched by the magazine to elevate […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
ERA, Meryl Streep, Videos, Women's issues
Celebrity, Civil Rights, Gender Equality, Videos, Women's Issues

Following a screening of her new film, Suffragette, Meryl Streep told Telluride Film Festival attendees that Congress ignored her letter urging them to vote on the Equal Rights Amendment. Her letter was delivered to each and every congressional representative and sadly, received almost no replies. Streep then called on Pope Francis to address gender inequality. “I […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Bernie Sanders, civil rights, Election 2016, Racial Justice, Social Justice
Activism, Bernie Sanders, Civil Rights, Election 2016, Equal Rights, gay rights, Gender Equality, Immigration, Police Overreach, Racial Issues, Racial Justice, Social Justice

Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has come under recent scrutiny for his position regarding gun rights and what some are characterizing as indifference to civil rights and racial justice. Most recently, Sanders came under fire while speaking at last weekend’s annual meeting of Netroots Nation, the country’s largest gathering of progressive activists when a group of […]
By Samuel Warde on
equal pay, Facebook, gender equality
Equal Rights, Facebook, Gender Equality, Women's Issues

We had an interesting discussion in our Liberals Unite Writers Group yesterday about Facebook’s new “friends” icon for gender equality that I wanted to share with you all. Ed, one of our writers and editors, began by posting the following to the writers group late Thursday: Explaining that she was busy and lacked the “time […]