By Samuel Warde on
America Immigrants Nation, American Nation of Immigrants, Immigrants Make America Great, Immigration, Immigration Services, Make America Great, No Human is Illegal, United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, USCIS
Human Interest, Human Rights, Immigration

The insidious racism harbored by the Trump administration is revealed by an update to the core mission of the Department of Immigration. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, the official agency tasked with granting visas and citizenship, has changed its mission statement – effective on Thursday. The previous mission statement read: “USCIS secures America’s promise […]
By Samuel Warde on
Cue Cards, Fake Compassion, Florida Shooting Survivors, Shooting Victims, Using Cue Cards for Sympathy, White House Meets Shooting Survivors
Human Interest, Smackdowns, Social Media, Twitter, Twitter Trends

Trump resorted to using cue cards to help him show empathy to school shooting survivors visiting the White House. Marie Claire reported that “apparently, Donald Trump needed a chat sheet to comfort shooting survivors” who met with him at the White House. When you have to make a list of ways to sound like a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, background checks, Dear America, Grieving Families, Gun violence in America, Mass Shootings, NRA Sanctions Shootings, Open Letter To America, Reasonable Gun Laws, Saving America from Guns, school shootings, Taking Action Against NRA
Gun Control, Human Interest, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

“My family does not want your hopes and prayers. We want your action. Join us in fighting the NRA… Join us in supporting leaders who will bravely fight for our children’s lives.” Outraged, the aunt of 14-year-old victim of the Florida shooter is demanding Americans stand up and push back against politicians unwilling to enact […]
By Samuel Warde on
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Mass Shootings, Mass Shootings Outrage, Outrage At Another Mass Shooting, Parkland Florida Tragedy, Reasonable Gun Restrictions, school shootings, Shooting Victims Families Express OUtrage, Students Speak OUt
Gun Control, Human Interest, Human Rights

Anger, determination and sorrow overflowed at the funeral for 14-year-old Florida shooting victim Jaime Guttenberg. Eyewitness Ten News reported that: “Fourteen-year-old Jaime Guttenberg, one of the first victims identified in last week’s horrifying high school gun massacre in Florida, has been laid to rest by family, friends and members of the public at an emotional […]
By Samuel Warde on
Anthony Borges, Courage Under Fire, Everyday acts of Heroism, Heroism, Heroism under fire, school shootings, True American Heroes
American Heroes, Human Interest, True Heroics

15-year-old Anthony Borges is being hailed as the hero of the Florida shooting. Newsweek reported that: “A 15-year-old student, who was shot five times as he attempted to shield his classmates from a gunman during the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida has been hailed as a hero.” Anthony Borges barricaded the door to a classroom at […]