By Samuel Warde on
Bible thumping conservative politicians, Bible-thumping Republicans, John Fugelsang rant, John Fugelsang talks Bible-thumping Republicans, Religious hypocrisy
Elections, Entertainment, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Politics, Religion, Religion and Politics, Smackdowns

With the midterm elections around the corner, now is the perfect time to watch John Fugelsang destroy conservative Christian candidates. Actor, writer, radio and television personality, and political satirist, John Fugelsang delivered an epic monologue on Jesus and Republican presidential candidates while guest hosting The Young Turks network panel show “The Point“. With the midterm […]
By Samuel Warde on
American history, Christian Nation, Christian Principles, Founding Fathers, John Adams, letter to Danbury Baptist Association, Religion and Politics, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Notes on Virginia, Treaty of Tripoli
History, Religion, Religion and Politics

You can really drive conservatives nuts by reminding them that the USA is not a Christian nation founded upon Christian principles. Mike Pence, Rick Santorum, and other leading members of the modern conservative movement would love nothing more than to turn America into a theocracy. Indeed in their minds it already is one and was from […]
By Samuel Warde on
8 types of marriage, Biblical Marriage, marriage, Marriage as defined by the Bible, Religious misconceptions, Religious preconceptions, Traditional Marriage
Conservatives, Politics, Religion, Religion and Politics

Sick and tired of hearing about “traditional marriage” from conservatives? Arm yourself with this information, taken directly from the Bible, and ask them which kind of marriage they are referring to. That ought to shut them up for a bit. Religion and politics continue being mixed in America with both playing a role in many […]
By Samuel Warde on
Christian Apologists, Christian hypocrisy, Christian Tolerance, Conservative Christianity in America Today, Conservative Christians, Evangelical Christians, evangelicals, franklin graham, Jesus of Nazareth and Conservative Christians Today, John Fugelsang
Religion, Religious Intolerance, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter

John Fugelsang has the perfect response to conservative Christians over their unholy alliance with Trump. Christianity in the USA has found itself repeatedly in the line of fire as the result of what appears to be their unholy alliance with the Trump administration. Many Christian leaders have ignored the numerous allegations of sexual abuse by Trump, […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Evangelical Movement, Christianity in America, Christianity versus Evangelicals, Death of American Christianity
Politics, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Freedom, Religious Intolerance

“The beauty of the gospel message — of love, of peace and of fraternity — has been murdered by the ambitions of Trumpish flimflammers who have sold their souls for expediency.” ~Miguel De La Torre, professor and ordained Southern Baptist Minister Christianity in the USA has found itself repeatedly in the line of fire as […]