By Samuel Warde on
Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing lies, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party
Controversy, Election 2016, Politics, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies, The Tea Party

While as a writer I appreciate Ted Cruz and his near-endless stream of insane bullshit, as a political reality – Ted Cruz is quite frightening in a Joe McCarthy, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson kind of way. Quickly scanning our own recent coverage of Ted Cruz, it quickly becomes appallingly clear that Cruz poses a real […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Democrats, GOP, Millennials, Republicans
Elections, Politics, Republicans

Senior citizens are more likely to vote GOP than millennials. This was evidenced in the 2014 midterm elections. This also means a good portion of the folks who voted for Romney in 2012 will be dead in 2016. You might not like the way that sounds but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. Add to […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Conservative votes, GOP, Reublicans, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz
Election 2016, Elections, Politics, Republicans

Every year, the American Conservative Union releases their ratings of U.S. lawmakers. Most GOP officials scored over sixty percent, but only sixteen scored a 100 percent conservative voting record. Of those sixteen, only one is officially running in 2016. Before the big reveal, and I know you’re on the edge of your seat, I must […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Jade Helm 15, Martial Law, Obama
Military, Militia, Republican Logic, Republicans

By now you’ve probably have heard about the crazy Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theory. If not, here’s a quick overview: Jade Helm 15 is a military training exercise that will be taking place this summer. Somehow, the tin foil hat crowd has spun this into a fringe theory that has President Obama leading the charge to round […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Ann Coulter, Michelle Obama, Racism, Rush Limbaugh, Tusegee
Racial Issues, Republican Logic, Republicans

First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a moving and powerful commencement speech to the graduating students at Tuskegee University this past weekend. African-Americans make up the majority of Tuskegee University students and Mrs. Obama took the opportunity to address the problem of racism in the United States. Not only did she mention it, she pointed out […]