
Open Letter To The Next President Of The United States

Open Letter To The Next President Of The United States

The numbers prove that when voter turnout is high, Democrats win. Dear Future President: I don’t usually make political predictions, but for the purposes of this letter I’ll go on the assumption that Americans will be smart enough to vote for the Democratic candidate in November. When you win the general election, you’ll need the […]

John Cusack Slams Obama In Interview: ‘Worse Than Bush’

John Cusack Slams Obama In Interview: ‘Worse Than Bush’

Actor John Cusack had some more harsh words for President Obama during an interview with The Daily Beast about his new film, Love & Mercy. Cusack slammed President Obama back in February 2013 for his lackluster record on civil liberties and his administration’s use of drones, “Is the President just another Ivy League Asshole?” In a […]

Poll: 30 % Of GOP Voters Believe Obama Wants To Impose Martial Law In Texas

Poll: 30 % Of GOP Voters Believe Obama Wants To Impose Martial Law In Texas

  By now you’ve probably have heard about the crazy Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theory. If not, here’s a quick overview: Jade Helm 15 is a military training exercise that will be taking place this summer. Somehow, the tin foil hat crowd has spun this into a fringe theory that has President Obama leading the charge to round […]

Ben Carson: President Obama Is A Well Dressed ‘Psychopath’ & America Is Like Nazi Germany

Ben Carson: President Obama Is A Well Dressed ‘Psychopath’ & America Is Like Nazi Germany

  The April 2015 issue of GQ Magazine profiled Tea Party darling Ben Carson, and despite hiring handlers to keep him from making (more) extremist statements that might hurt his likely 2016 bid, Carson was unable to quiet the crazy that lurks in his mild-mannered persona. Carson is known for making outlandish and false statements that gain […]