By Samuel Warde on
Chuck Todd, Congress, GOP vs GOP for control of the house, Meet The Press, politics, Republican versus Republican for control of the House of Representatives, Republicans, Republicans vs Republican, Speaker of the House, Videos, Watch Republican tensions explode on
Congress, Politics, Republican Logic, Republicans, The Tea Party, Videos

Republican tensions exploded on Sunday’s edition of “Meet the Press” when Representatives Dave Brat (R-VA) and Charlie Dent (R-PA) had a candid discussion about the divide between moderates and Freedom Caucus conservatives in the party. Dent is a moderate Republican who has served in the House of Representatives since 2004. Brat, a member of the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz bullies witness over climate change, Ted Cruz denies climate change, Ted Cruz denies global warming, Ted Cruz Repeatedly Bully Sierra Club President Over Climate Change, The Environment, The Tea Party, Videos
Climate/Nature, Environment, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, The Tea Party, Videos

Tea Party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) repeatedly bullied the president of the Sierra Club regarding climate change. The Republican presidential hopeful attempted to corner Sierra Club President Aaron Mair during a Tuesday hearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. As EcoWatch reports, It’s painful to watch this Senate hearing as Senator and GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives target Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, John Boehner out Mitch McConnell next to resign, Mitch McConnell, Mitch McConnell targeted by the Tea party, politics, Republicans, The Tea Party
Congress, Politics, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, The Tea Party

Things have become heated in conservative circles in Washington, D.C. since embattled Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner announced his retirement last Friday. Ted Cruz fired the first salvo, lashing out at Boehner and accusing him of betraying the Republican Party. According to conservative website The Blaze, Cruz told reporters at the conservative Values […]
By Samuel Warde on
CJ Pearson, CJ Pearson exposed as liar, Election 2013, Scandals, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz Teen Exposed As Fraud, Ted Cruz Teens for Ted liar exposed
Election 2016, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Scandals, The Tea Party

CJ Pearson, the 13-year-old conservative “firebrand” has been outed as a fraud by none other than Glenn Beck’s conservative news site, The Blaze. Last Wednesday, Pearson falsely claimed that President Barack Obama had blocked him on Twitter. The proof – an image he tweeted purportedly from Obama. However, as Oliver Darcy of The Blaze reports, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Interviews, John Boehner, John Boehner calls out the tea party, John Boehner confirms ted cruz slam, john boehner no shut down, John Boehners slams tea party ted cruz, politics, Republicans, Ted Cruz, Videos
Interviews, Politics, Republicans, The Tea Party, Videos

Outgoing Speaker of the House John Boehner lashed out at the House’s “most conservative members” during a Sunday interview on ABC’s “Face the Nation.” CBS host John Dickerson began the interview by asking Boehner about the threatened government shutdown: “Four days, the government runs out of money. Is there going to be a shutdown?” Boehner […]