By Samuel Warde on
Gay Marriage, George Takei, LGBT Issues, marriage equality, Smack Downs, The Courts, Videos
Activism, Discrimination, gay marriage, gay rights, LGBT Issues, Smackdowns, The Courts, Videos

Actor and social justice activiest George Takei slammed Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during an interview with Fox 10 this week in Phoenix. With his longtime partner and husband by his side, Takei slammed Justice Thomas for his dissenting opinion to last week’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide, telling Fox 10: He is a clown […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
LGBT Issues, Religious Fanatics
LGBT Issues, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Videos

Imagine growing up in an evangelical Christian household, and imagine how it might feel to realize you’re gay. For many teenagers, that realization is terrifying. They fear they will be rejected by their families and communities. The sad truth is that many homosexuals are rejected by their families because of their sexual orientation. Matthew Vines […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fanatics, Humor, LGBT Issues, marriage equality, Mrs Betty Bowers, Religious Fanaticism, Videos
Activism, gay marriage, gay rights, Humor, LGBT Issues, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Videos

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, is at it again – this time taking on Christian Extremist Becky Wegner Rommel. A couple of days ago, “Queerty was the first to report on the 64-year-old Indiana housewife’s recorded meltdown over marriage equality. It included tears, screaming, yelling, crying for Jesus, and jabs at gays, gay-loving Christians, Muslims, women who […]
By Samuel Warde on
Arson, Charlotte, crime, Human Interest, Racial Issues, Racial Profiling, Systemic Racism
Crime, Law & Order, Racial Issues, Videos

An early morning fire at a black church in Charlotte, North Carolina, is being investigated as arson according to Senior Fire Investigator David Williams. The Charlotte Observer reports that an emergency 911 call was received at about 12:30 a.m. from a resident in a nearby apartment complex advising that the Briar Creek Road Baptist Church […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Charleston Shooting, Interviews, Jim Crow, Racial Issues, Racism, Tragedies, Videos
Barack Obama, Controversy, Discrimination, Gun Control, Interviews, Racial Issues, Videos

President Obama used the N-word during an interview to help make his case that the United States has not overcome its history or racism. The President discussed the debate over race and guns in the wake of the racially motivated shooting death of nine black church members in Charleston last week. “The legacy of slavery, […]