By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Discrimination, Racism, Racism in America today, Road Rage
Bigotry, Bullying, Discrimination, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

“This is my country!” California driver launches a racist tirade against a U.S. veteran. The Mercury News reported late last week that “A woman went into a racist tirade against a Korean-American Air Force veteran during a road rage incident captured on video, calling the man an ‘ugly Chinese.’” James Ahn, a Fremont resident from Seoul, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Auto Lenders, Discrimination, Dishonorable President of the United States, Fiery Congress Debate, Financial Services, Loan Discrimination, Maxine Waters, racial discrimination, Racial Discrimination by Auto Lenders
Congressional Hearings, Debates, Discrimination, Racial Issues, Racial Justice, Smackdowns

Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters fought back with a vengeance when “Make America Great Again” spewing Republican congressman tried to silence her. Maxine Waters schooled a MAGA-spouting Republican who tried to interrupt her. All hell broke loose on on Wednesday in the hallowed hall of the House of Representatives when Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters unleashed a […]
By Guest Blogger on
bathroom laws, Discrimination, LGBT Community, transgender
Law & Order, LGBT Issues
By Peter Billings Major headline news over the past several months has put a spotlight on the almost nonexistent protections for the approximately 700,000 transgender people currently living in the United States. Recent milestone developments in the federal government’s policy on gender issues, however, has given hope to the transgender community and their advocates that […]
By Samuel Warde on
Discrimination, Discrimination against gay couples, foster care, Foster parents say child removed from their home because they are gay, gay couples and adoption and foster care, Human Interest, LGTB Issues, Utah juvenile court judge has ordered a baby taken away from a lesbian couple and placed with a heterosexual couple for the child's well-being
Children, Civil Rights, Discrimination, LGBT Issues, Videos

Hillary Clinton weighs in after controversial Utah judge orders child removed from a lesbian couple and placed with a heterosexual couple for the child’s well-being. Being a good parent has nothing to do with sexual orientation—thousands of families prove that. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 12, 2015 Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton weighs in […]
By Samuel Warde on
ACLU, Discrimination, Drug Policy, Institutional Racism, marijuana, Racial Issues, Racial Justice, Videos, Whites Smoke Marijuana Blacks Get Arrested, Whites smoke pot but african americans get arrestted
Discrimination, Drug Policy, Law & Order, Marijuana, Marijuana Legalization, Racial Issues, Racial Justice, The Courts, Videos

“Whites Smoke Pot, but Blacks Are Arrested:” Data Analysis Casts the War on Drugs in a Whole New Light1 “Institutional Racism” is defined as “racism perpetrated by government entities such as schools, the courts or the military. Unlike the racism perpetrated by individuals, institutional racism has the power to negatively affect the bulk of people […]