By Samuel Warde on
Aamon Bundy Attorney, Bundy Clan, Courtroom Drama Plays Out in Oregon Occupiers Case, Domestic Terrorism, Extremists, Militia Groups
Domestic Terrorism, Extremists, Law & Order, Militia, The Courts, Weird News

Pandemonium breaks out in a courtroom after an Oregon jury acquits the Oregon occupiers. This Thursday a Portland, Oregon, jury acquitted “Ammon Bundy, his brother Ryan Bundy and five co-defendants not guilty of conspiring to prevent federal employees from doing their jobs through intimidation, threat or force during the 41-day occupation of the Malheur National […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ammon Bundy is whining about government overreach from his Oregon jail cell, Domestic Terrorism, extremist militants in america, extremists in america, government overreach, Land Disputes, Militia Groups in America, Seperatists in in America

Ammon Bundy is whining about government overreach from his Oregon jail cell. Ammon E. Bundy, the eldest son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, was indicted this Wednesday by a federal grand jury along with his younger brother Ryan and two other conspirators. As PBS reports, the indictment charges Cliven Bundy, Ammon Bundy, brother Ryan Bundy, […]
By Samuel Warde on
armed occupiers, Domestic Terrorism, domestic terrorists, extremist groups, Extremists, Feds Throw The Book At Cliven Bundy, separatist movement in america, Separatists in America

The Federal Government Throws the Book at Cliven Bundy, His Two Sons and Two Occupiers for their actions during the 2014 Nevada Standoff. A federal grand jury has indicted Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons and two other conspirators for their actions during the 2014 armed standoff near the Bundy ranch in Nevada. As […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Malitia Movement, Domestic Terrorism, Extremist groups in America, FBI arrest tactics, How The FBI Outsmarted The Bundy Militia, How to outwit your enemy, separatist movements in america, Separatists in America
Extremists, Militia

The FBI gets the best of the Bundy militia. I am sure you have all heard that the FBI was able to successfully arrest Oregon occupation leaders Ammon and Ryan Bundy along with five other militia members during a highway traffic stop about 45 miles north of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge they had been […]
By Samuel Warde on
|Conversion Therapy, CIA, Domestic Terrorism, GMOs, Mercernaries, Monsanto
Activism, Business, Climate/Nature, Controversy, Corruption, Crime, History, Scandals, Terrorism, Videos

Mercenaries, former CIA and black ops agents battling it out with a ragtag group of civilian activists on the behalf of an evil multinational corporation hellbent on mutating private citizens in the name of corporate profits…. Sounds a bit like a Hollywood production doesn’t it? Maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger’s latest movie? If we could only be […]