By Samuel Warde on
Job Creation, jobs, Nick Hanauer, Republican Tax Plan, Speeches, TED Talks, Videos
Activism, Controversy, Economics, Labor, Social Justice, Speeches, Videos

This banned TED Talk explains why the tax breaks for the rich proposed by the Republican tax plan scam will never help working class Americans. TED, the Technology Entertainment and Design nonprofit behind the TED Talks, whose slogan is “ideas worth spreading” decided that some ideas are better left alone. In March of 2012 Nick […]
By Samuel Warde on
Civil Disobedience is not our problem Civil obedience is, Civil obedience leads to war, Howard Zinn Speech Resonates With A New Generation Of Thinkers Activists, Matt Damon, Matt Damons Anti-War Speech What We Need Is Civil Disobedience, Our Problem Is Civil Obedience, Speeches
Activism, Speeches, Videos, War

“I start from the supposition that the world is topsy-turvy, that things are all wrong.” ~ Howard Zinn Howard Zinn was an American historian, social activist and writer. In 1964, he accepted a position at Boston University, where his classes in civil liberties were among the most popular at the university with as many as […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Donald Trump Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to run for president, Elecion 2016, Hillary Clinton, Speeches, Videos
Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Videos

Donald Trump said this weekend that he didn’t know why Hillary Clinton was running for president, adding that she “shouldn’t be allowed to run.” The Republican presidential front-runner was speaking at a campaign rally in Norcross, Georgia on Saturday, when he made the remarks. The audience initially booed when Trump first brought up Clinton’s name, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Another Mass Shooting in America, Barack Obama, gun control, President Obama gives fiery speech about Oregon Shooting, Speeches, The Oregon Shooting, The Oregon Tragedy, Tragedies, Videos
Barack Obama, Gun Control, Law & Order, Speeches, Videos

Clearly frustrated, President Obama gave a fiery speech on Thursday in the wake of the Oregon shooting. Sounding exasperated, Obama said the response to such shootings has all become all too common and that nothing changes. NBC News reports that “at least 10 people were killed and seven others were injured when a gunman who […]
By Samuel Warde on
Black LIves Matter, Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren police state, Elizabeth Warren speaks about civil rights, Elizabeth Warren speaks out on racial injustice, Elizabeth Warren speech thrills black lives matter, Speeches
Activism, Civil Rights, Police Overreach, Racial Issues, Speeches

Progressive icon Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) gave a speech on racial inequality that is exactly what Black Lives Matter activists have been wanting to hear. Warren delivered the remarks in Boston on Sunday at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, as part of the Institute’s “Getting to the Point” speaker series. […]