By Samuel Warde on
Beginning of the end of Trump, Donald Trump, End of the Trump Regime, Impeachment, Trumps Demise

Republican Senators question whether Trump has Alzheimer’s, Mueller indictments start rolling out, wars with a Gold Star Widow and several GOP Senators… October marks the beginning of the end. October has marked the worst month, so far, for Trump; and things keep piling on at lightening speed. Puerto Rico, a war with a Gold Star widow, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Americas Antiquated Electoral System, Impeachment, Ronald Reagan Jr, The Case for Impeachment
Activism, Smackdowns

Son of Republican icon Ronald Reagan goes ballistic on Trump, calling for his removal from office. The son of former President Ronald Reagan argued in a Wednesday interview that Trump is a “deeply damaged human being” who “needs to be removed” from office. Speaking on MSNBC‘s “Hardball with Chris Matthews,” Reagan began by stating that “Trump […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
GOP, Impeachment, Jeff Flake, Republicans
Republicans, Right Wing Hypocrites

It’s as if congressional Republicans know Trump’s days are numbered, but most are too cowardly to make a move. Political talking-heads argue that as soon as Donald Trump’s approval ratings dip below 30 percent, the Republican Party will start to detach and possibly move toward impeachment or demand his resignation. There’s lots of chatter on mainstream media about whether or not Trump will make it through his first […]
By Samuel Warde on
almonds, Articles of Impeachment against Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, Bob Livingston extramarital affairs, Clinton attacking Sanders, Clinton Impeachment Hearings, Conservative Lies, debunking conservative lies, Henry Hyde cheater, Hypocrites, Impeachment, Newt Gingrich multiple affairs, Republicans, Right Wing lies, Scandals, The Trial of Bill Clinton
Congressional Hearings, Controversy, Corruption, Debunking Right Wing Lies, History, Politics, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies, Scandals

Things have come full circle now, with all the key Republican players in the Clinton impeachment hearings proven now to be hypocrites and liars. On December 19, 1998, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton for actions related to his extra-marital affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 21-year-old unpaid White […]
By Samuel Warde on
Chief Justice John Roberts, Impeachment, SCOTUS
Controversy, The Courts

William Greider posted an interesting question in an article for The Nation on Wednesday: Should We Impeach Chief Justice John Roberts? Grieder points out that with all the talk floating around about impeaching President Obama, why not consider using the process for a “far more deserving candidate for impeachment—Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme […]