By Samuel Warde on
Christian Discrimination, Christian hypocrisy, Christians battle LGBT community, George Takei, Indiana, LGBT Issues, LGBT rights, Mike Pence, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Freedom Restoration, Smackdowns
Activism, LGBT Issues, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance, Smackdowns, States Issues

George Takei scored a major victory for LGBT rights in Indiana after he went to war with then Gov. Mike Pence. March 2015 then Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed into law the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (RFRA) in a private ceremony. ThinkProgress reported at the time that “Proponents of this bill had openly admitted […]
By Samuel Warde on
anti-gay activism, anti-gay legislation, conservative values and hypocrisy, discrimination against gays, discrimination against lgbt community, Lawmakers Caught Being Gay, LGBT Issues
LGBT Issues, Republican Hypocrisy, Scandals

Trump administration targets LGBT community, yet these hypocrites pose a greater risk to society. Trump’s administration revoked President Obama’s guidelines regarding transgender bathrooms shortly after taking office. As Reuters reported: “Trump’s administration on Wednesday revoked landmark guidance to public schools letting transgender students use the bathrooms of their choice, reversing a signature initiative of former […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Angry Protesters Chase Pat McCrory Lou Dobbs, Anti-Gay Sentiment in America Today, LGBT Activists, LGBT Issues, Lou Dobbs, Pat McCrory, Protecting LGBT Rights, Protesters Chase Anti-Gay Bigot Pat McCrory
Activism, LGBT Issues, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred

Noted anti-gay bigot Pat McCrory and Fox News personality Lou Dobbs were chased by angry protesters in Washington D.C. Former N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory and conservative host Lou Dobbs did not receive the welcome they may have wanted when they arrived in Washington D.C. for the inauguration. The Raleigh News & Observer reports that last […]
By Samuel Warde on
anti-gay legislation, LGBT Issues, Love is a Human Right, Trump vows to discriminate against Gay Community
Bigotry, Discrimination, LGBT Issues

Donald Trump pledges to sign the anti-gay First Amendment Defense Act if elected president. Republican nominee Donald Trump has been courting the LGBT community for months going so far as to reach out to them during his nomination speech. As Vox reported in July, Trump brought up the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, telling the […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
coming out, coming out of the closet, gay, gay rights., God Loves Gays, God Loves Us All, homosexuals, LGBT, LGBT Community, LGBT interests, LGBT Issues, tolerance
Discrimination, gay rights, Human Interest, LGBT Issues

My father asked me if I was gay. I said, “Does it really matter? My good friend Steve is gay. We’ve known each other since 1990, and I consider him to be part of my family. He is one of the sweetest, funniest, smartest, and warmest friends I have. He always has a shoulder for […]