By Samuel Warde on
Lewis Black Voter Suppression, Madison Kimrey, Madison Kimrey talks voter suppression, provisional voting rights, teen voter pre-registration, The ACLU and Voter Suppression, The ACLU and voting rights, Voter ID Laws, voter pre-registration, Voting Reform Laws, Voting Rights
Activism, Voter Suppression, Voting

Check out what happens when a Tea Partier tries to deny the existence of voter suppression laws. SPOILER: It didn’t have a happy ending – at least not for him. I posted the following image on my Facebook profile a while back to help start a conversation regarding voter suppression efforts in North Carolina. ACLU […]
By Samuel Warde on
Healthcare, Madison Kimrey, Opinion, Vaccinations
Activism, Healthcare, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

So I’ve been asked- if someone supports the right of women to make their own choices about their healthcare, shouldn’t they support a parents’ right to not vaccinate their children? I believe when we speak about issues like vaccination, birth control, and abortion, we are talking about public health issues and serious conversations about these […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Madison Kimrey, Martin Luther King, Speeches, Videos
Activism, Speeches, Videos

Madison Kimrey, one of the nation’s youngest political activists, delivered this speech on Martin Luther King as a part of the 10th annual “Blessed are the Peacemakers” program in Freeland, Washington. South Whidbey Record reports that “Kimrey, age 13, rose to prominence when she articulated a passionate refute of North Carolina state governor Pat McCrory’s […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
feminism, Madison Kimrey, trolls
Feminism, Women's Issues

Thirteen-year-old Madison Kimrey is an outspoken feminist and activist. In September of 2014, Kimrey spoke at the We Are Woman rally for equality and gave a kick-ass speech. The crowd LOVED her and as a result, she was invited to speak at other events. It is no surprise that a man troll who goes by “Montana […]
By Samuel Warde on
Elections, Madison Kimrey, Millenials, Voter Apathy, Voting, Youth
Elections, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Voting

18-year-old Saira Blair beat her opponent in the West Virginia House race by winning 63% of the vote and is now the youngest lawmaker in America. Saira is also a Republican and is fiscally conservative, pro-gun, and pro-life. The majority of comments I have seen about this epic accomplishment by Saira have been positive. However, […]