By Samuel Warde on
Manafort pardon planned, Mueller investigation, Obstruction in Plain Sight, Obstruction of Justice, Paul Manafort, Robert Mueller, Rudy Giuliani
Abuse of Power, Corruption, Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Rudy Giuliani

Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney Seth Abramson drops a bomb on Paul Manafort and Team Trump. Seth Abramson weighed in another disturbing example of obstruction of justice committed in plain sight by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. MSNBC justice and security analyst Matthew Miller tweeted a link to a bombshell report by Politico explaining […]
By Samuel Warde on
Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller, Roger Stone, Roger Stone Fundraising Email, Roger Stone Panicking, Russian Collusion
Law & Order, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal, WikiLeaks

Roger Stone has threatened, bullied and intimidated in the name of Trump, and now that Team Mueller is catching up with him – he appears to be melting down. Last week was arguably the worst week for the Trump administration since he assumed office roughly a year and seven months ago. Rolling Stone provided the following […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi, Benghazi Investigator, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Government Oversight, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence Chiefs, Investigative Oversight, Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller, Running Scared, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy Flees from Prosecution
Law & Order, Republican Logic, Robert Mueller, Russia, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal

Trey Gowdy was caught altering documents in an attempt to frame Hillary Clinton, and now it appears that he might be trying another sleight-of-hand to aid and abet Trump and his alleged criminal conduct. Trey Gowdy appears to have been swept up in the controversy surrounding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, Trump’s recent remarks in […]
By Samuel Warde on
House Republicans, Mueller investigation, Obstruction of Justice, Republican obstruction, Republican-Led Witch Hunt, Steve Schmidt, Twitter Wars
Activism, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Russia Investigation, Scandals, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Trump

Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt didn’t hold anything back when he unleashed the hounds of hell on House Republicans. House Republicans managed to outdo themselves yesterday as they questioned interrogated insulted and smeared FBI agent Peter Strzok. As Salon reported: The all-day House Oversight and Judiciary Committee grilling of Peter Strzok, the counter-intelligence FBI agent who had been […]
By Samuel Warde on
Cooperating Witnesses, Flipping on Trump, Michael Cohen, Mueller investigation, Mueller Investigation Closes In, Paul Manafort, Robert Mueller, Trump Foundation Crimes
25th Amendment, Abuse of Power, Corruption, Impeachment, Law & Order, Robert Mueller

Fate delivered 3 bombs to the Trump administration in less than a week, each of them having the potential to end his presidency. Trump appeared to be on Cloud Nine last week after his so-called “Summit” with North Korean Kim Jong-un with visions of winning the Nobel Peace Prize bouncing around like sugar plums in […]