By Samuel Warde on
Alabama Gay Marriage Ban, Gay Marriage, Kim Davis, Pope Francis, Pope Met With Gay Couple, Vatican Declares Kim Davis Meeting Was Non An Endorsement
Controversy, gay marriage, gay rights, Human Interest, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Videos

The Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis’ meeting with embattled Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was not an endorsement of her views in a statement issued Friday morning. The Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, issued the statement, stating in part that: “The pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis, and […]
By Samuel Warde on
Congress, Pope Francis, Pope Francis Speech Could Turn Him Into a Liberal Icon, Pope Francis supports climate change prevention, Pope Francis supports immigration, pope francis wage equality, Republicans Fooled By Pope's Speech, Speeches, Videos
Congress, Religion, Speeches, Videos

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu angered Democrats in March while giving a speech before a joint session of Congress in which he strongly denounced President Obama’s efforts to reach a nuclear agreement with Iran. As NBC News reports, “Six months later, a man from abroad, with an even larger following than Netanyahu, came with a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Global Warming, Pope Francis, Pope Francis addresses Climate change at White House, Pope Francis on Climate Change, Pope Francis Urges America to Save the Planet, Videos
Climate/Nature, Environment, Religion, Speeches, Videos

Pope Francis has effectively bridged the gap between science and religion with his recent encyclical1 on the environment. As he puts it, a shift in our moral understanding is key to winning the fight against climate change. As we reported last month, the Pope’s views on the environment and climate change have been made quite […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, catholic church, Pope Francis
Religion, Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

UPDATE: The Pope is visiting the United States this week, and while many are quick to dismiss his directive regarding abortion, it’s important to remember he doesn’t have the power to wave a magic Pope wand and change Catholisim all at once. The ONLY way we will see positive changes regarding equality, civil rights and […]
By Samuel Warde on
Congress, Pope Francis
Climate/Nature, Economics, Immigration, Politics, Pope Francis, Religion, Republicans, Social Justice

The Vatican recently released details regarding the first trip to the United States by Pope Francis, “a six-day visit that will take the pontiff from the halls of power to the margins of society,” including a 48-hour visit to the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. According to the Pope’s official itinerary, Francis is scheduled to arrive […]