By Samuel Warde on
Black LIves Matter, Detroit News, Freshman asks for directions gets shot at, gun violence, Inner City Crime, Racial Issues, Racially based fear, Racism, White on Black Guns
Black Lives Matter, Firearms, Gun Control, Gun lovers, Law & Order, Racial Issues

The walk to school turned terrifying for a Michigan teen who says he was shot at after he stopped to ask for directions. Fourteen-year-old Brennan Walker missed the bus and tried to walk to school, but got lost after he couldn’t remember the route. Local Detroit Fox affiliate WJBK News reported over the weekend that a […]
By Samuel Warde on
African American Drug Abuse, Blacks Abuse Drugs, Drug Abuse, Racism
Racial Issues, Republican Logic, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies

Kansas Republican apologizes for saying that African-Americans have a genetic predisposition to abusing drugs. The Garden City Telegram reported on Monday that Kansas State Rep. Steve Alford (R-Ulysses) “made an ostensibly racist comment when citing domestic Jim Crow-era drug policies” while attending Saturday’s Legislative Coffee Session at St. Catherine Hospital. When Zach Worf, president of the […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Heritage, Bully Pulpit, Dark Racial Sentiment, Racism, Racism in America today, Racism in the White House, Racist Remarks, Racist Tweets, Twitter Tantrums, Twitter Tirades
Activism, Main Stream Media, Media, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

CNN is not holding back when it comes to their disdain for Trump’s long-standing racist remarks and tweets. CNN Editor-at-Large Chris Cillizza published a scathing analysis of Trump’s latest Twitter tantrum. While his article, titled “The dark racial sentiment in Trump’s NBA and NFL criticism” was a direct response to Trump’s weekend tirade – it also […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bigotry, DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Racism, Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone Magazine, separation of powers
Immigration, Smackdowns

Trump’s attempt to blame what happens to DACA recipients on Congress is stunningly hypocritical, even for him. Rolling Stone has delivered an epic point-by-point take down of the infamous Koch Brothers. They have heaped praises on Barack Obama writing that: ““Obama has emerged as one of the most consequential and, yes, successful presidents in American […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
2016, A Collection of 12 Obama quotes guaranteed to enrage conservatives, Donald Trump, GOP, Racism, Republicans, sexism, the Face of the Republican Party
Religion, Religious Intolerance, Republican Logic, Uncategorized

A white supremacist now leads the GOP. It’s all come down to a terrifying reality. Donald Trump is now the face of the Republican Party. I realize a growing number of you would argue that Trump doesn’t represent your values, your ideology or your particular brand of patriotism. Many of you are declaring you’d vote […]